[Python-ideas] Shuffled

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Wed Sep 7 19:00:55 EDT 2016

On 08.09.2016 00:41, Matt Gilson wrote:
> I lurk around here a lot more than I actually post -- But in this case 
> I find myself weighing in firmly on the side of "please don't add 
> this".  It'd just add noise in the documentation and __builtins__ 
> namespace.  There are millions of useful functions that /could/ be 
> added to the `list` object (or to the `__builtins__` namespace).  It's 
> the job of the core dev team to decide which are the most useful for 
> everybody and this is one where (in my opinion) the usefulness doesn't 
> justify the additional clutter.
> It seems like the primary argument for this is that some users would 
> like to have this functionality baked into an interactive session.

Maybe, it wasn't obvious (despite I thought so), but I also don't see it 
in the built-ins. Another function in the "random" module would just 

But still, this is not my proposal, so I am gonna wait for what Arek 
brings up.


> If that's the case, then I'd like to point out that if you find 
> yourself wanting this in an interactive session frequently there is an 
> interactive startup file 
> <https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/appendix.html#the-interactive-startup-file> 
> that you can modify so that this function will always be available to 
> /you/ whenever you start up an interactive session (and you can put 
> whatever else in there that you like as well :-).
> I hope that helps.
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze at mail.de 
> <mailto:srkunze at mail.de>> wrote:
>     Maybe, there's a misunderstanding here and I hope I didn't waste
>     too much of your and my time.
>     Not sure where I got this from but my last status was that Arek
>     would like to have a "shuffled" function that does exactly what
>     you described. Maybe, that doesn't fit the reports description but
>     his pull request will tell the truth. :)
>     About the confusion of returning None. It's not confusing in the
>     sense of "o my god, I did it wrong, I need to learn it", but more,
>     like "I used shuffle, BECAUSE it's the only one I could find in a
>     hurry" and then ascertain "why the heck is there no alternative
>     returning the shuffled result instead of overwriting my list? I
>     would expect this from Python as it already provides both
>     alternatives for sorting".
>     Sven
>     On 08.09.2016 00:02, Tim Peters wrote:
>         [Sven R. Kunze <srkunze at mail.de <mailto:srkunze at mail.de>>]
>             I am not questioning experience which everyone in a team
>             can benefit from.
>             BUT experienced devs also need to recognize and respect
>             the fact that
>             younger/unexperienced developers are just better in detecting
>             inconsistencies and bloody work-arounds. They simply
>             haven't had to live
>             with them for so long. Experienced devs just are stuck in
>             a rut/are
>             routine-blinded: "we've done that for years", "there's no
>             better way".
>             That's the way we do it in our teams. Employing the new
>             guys as some sort of
>             inconsistency detectors. This way, they learn to find
>             their way around the
>             code base and they can improve it by doing so.
>             And I would never allow it in my team, to dismiss this
>             kind of observation
>             from new colleagues. It's invaluable as they will become
>             routine-blinded as
>             well.
>         I have been more than willing to discuss it, and I did not
>         close the
>         issue report.  I did say I was opposed to it, but that's simply
>         because I am, and I explained there too _why_ I was opposed.
>         Do you have anything to say about the specific proposal?  I doubt
>         either of us has found this meta-discussion useful. I'm still
>         looking
>         for a compelling use case.  The only concrete thing anyone has
>         noted
>         in `shuffled()`'s favor so far is that sometimes they're
>         surprised by
>         the behavior of random.shuffle(list) returning None in an
>         interactive
>         shell (noted by you, and by another, and I cheerfully own up
>         to being
>         a bit surprised by that too long ago).   But that's an observation
>         about `random.shuffle()`, not about the proposed `shuffled()`.
>                 [...] I would be far more annoyed if, e.g.,
>                             random.shuffle(some_million_element_list)
>                   swamped my terminal with mountains of output.
>             But you readily accept this behavior for "sorted"? That
>             makes no sense at
>             all.
>         Of course it does.  The only analogy to random.shuffle(big_list)
>         returning None that makes a lick of sense here is that
>         big_list.sort()
>         also returns None.  IF a `shuffled()` function is introduced,
>         then of
>         course it should return its result - just like `sorted()`
>         returns its
>         result.
>                 You can't both behaviors simultaneously, so the status
>                 quo wins.
>                 Indeed, the venerable status quo ;-)
>             Nobody said to change "shuffle".
>         A verbatim quote from the first message in this thread:
>              "Also shuffle() should return self so mutating methods
>         could be chained."
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