[Python-ideas] OS related file operations (copy, move, delete, rename...) should be placed into one module

Todd toddrjen at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 14:11:31 EST 2017

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal <
chris.barker at noaa.gov> wrote:

> I agree that this has been a bit of a wart for a long time.
> While the old “let’s treat strings as paths” modules are split up like you
> said, pathlib can do what they do and more: https://docs.python.org/
> 3/library/pathlib.html
> Exactly -- this is The Solution. It combines paths themselves with things
> you are likely to do with paths.
> It may well lack some nice features. If so, suggestions for that would be
> the way to go.

Can such suggestions go here or should someone start a new thread?
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