[Python-ideas] Python dependancies

Mathieu TORTUYAUX mathieu.tortuyaux at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 13:29:12 EST 2017

Thank you everyone for those feedbacks ! 

So I made a Django version to check if dependencies are up-to-date, using 
pip lib and get_outdated method. :)

Le dimanche 15 janvier 2017 00:25:26 UTC-5, Mathieu TORTUYAUX a écrit :
> Hello everyone, 
> I'm used to work with python and contribute to open-source projects. And 
> now, many projects need to run with dependancies. So I wondering, if it 
> could be a good idea to integrate a sniffer into Python to detecte if 
> project's dependancies are up to date. 
> And each time Python project is run developer will be aware if 
> dependancies are up to date.
> I think isn't the first time that this idea is submitted. So I am looking 
> forward your feedbacks ! 
> Mathieu Tortuyaux
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