[Python-ideas] Looking for input to help with the pip situation

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 02:40:27 EST 2017

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 5:47 PM, Michel Desmoulin
> <desmoulinmichel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Proposal B:
>> ------------
>> Make pip and venv part of the standard and request debian that they
>> provide it.
>> Pros: straight forward.
>> Cons: holy war in the making.
> If this would really cause such back-lash, how about: Make pip and
> venv part of the standard, but permit them to be omitted from
> "python3" as long as there is a "python3-full" package that will drag
> them in. Several other packages are split up like that.
> Pros: Only slightly less straight-forward, and hopefully incites only
> a small war.
> Cons: What does "full" really mean? Does it require a GUI subsystem,
> for instance (as a dep of tkinter)? Might just shift the problem.
> OTOH, the sorts of people who run non-graphical Linuxes are usually
> going to be comfortable installing python3-pip explicitly, so maybe
> it's doable.

Oh, forgot to give a clear opinion: Even if the compromise isn't
viable, I am still +1 on auto-installing pip. There's already a
python3-minimal package for people who want "just the interpreter,
please" installs.


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