[Python-ideas] File format for automatic and manual tests

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 05:08:33 EDT 2018

On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 at 00:35, Victor Porton <porton at narod.ru> wrote:
> > But I see no reason why this has anything to do with the Python standard
> > library. Can you explain why you want to distribute an experimental
> > file format in the Python std lib?
> As I pointed out, I want this format to become common (standardized!)
> for different IDEs and other development environment.

This strikes me as *absolutely* something that should be promoted
outside of the stdlib, as a 3rd party project, and once it's
established as a commonly used and accepted standard, only then
propose that the stdlib offer support for it (if that's even needed at
that point).

Trying to promote a standard by making it "official" and then
encouraging tools to accept it "because it's the official standard"
seems like it's doing things backwards, to me at least.


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