[Python-ideas] Calling python from C completely statically

Alberto Garcia agarciaillera at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 12:59:43 EDT 2018

Ohhhhhhhh  I guess you mean this:


On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 9:48 AM Alberto Garcia <agarciaillera at gmail.com>

> Thank you for your response,
> I was thinking on creating that zip file with the content of the Lib
> folder and having my c code to download it over the network and have it in
> memory.
> I guess that the zip file should have no compression at all right?
> When you say that I need to use the cx_freeze approach what do you mean?
> Can you point me to where they do that?
> And why changing sys.path again to the executable again? Which part of the
> executable?
> I'll put my efforts in this.
> Thank you
> On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 7:16 AM Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 9 July 2018 at 03:10, Alberto Garcia <agarciaillera at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hey there,
>> >
>> > Yes, the part of having the pyd modules built in in library is already
>> done.
>> > I followed the instructions in the README. What I would like to know
>> now is
>> > how to embed the non frozen python (py) modules. Can you guys please
>> point
>> > me in the right direction.
>> The gist is to:
>> 1. take the entire Lib directory and put it in a zip archive
>> 2. use the approach demonstrated in cx_freeze to point sys.path in
>> your static executable at that zip archive
>> 3. adjust your C code to point sys.path back at the executable itself,
>> and then combine your executable and the zip archive into a single
>> contiguous file (similar to what zipapp does with it's helper script
>> and app archive)
>> There are likely to still be rough edges when doing that, since this
>> isn't a well tested configuration. When all else fails, find the part
>> of the source code responsible for any error messages you're seeing,
>> and try to work out if there's a setting you can tweak to avoid
>> hitting that code path.
>> Cheers,
>> Nick.
>> --
>> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
> --
> Alberto García Illera
> GPG Public Key: https://goo.gl/twKUUv
Alberto García Illera

GPG Public Key: https://goo.gl/twKUUv
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