[Python-ideas] support toml for pyproject support

Chris Barker - NOAA Federal chris.barker at noaa.gov
Tue Oct 9 11:55:55 EDT 2018

If I had the energy to argue it I would also argue against using TOML
> in those PEPs.

I partook in that discussion, and I still have no idea why TOML was chosen,
over, say, a defined subset of YAML, or a slightly extended JSON.

But the folks that were highly invested  and putting the work in made a
choice, so here we are.

 But if it’s in the PEPs, it seems time to define a version used ( 1.0
would be good, but often that’s actually pretty arbitrary) and get an
implementation into the stdlib.

If the TOML folks don’t think it’s stable enough for that, I’ve got to
wonder if it was a good choice!

We’re have enough trouble with really slow adoption of the new ways of
doing packaging, not even providing the tools seems to really defeat the

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