[Python-ideas] Clearer communication

Adrien Ricocotam ricocotam at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 12:42:33 EST 2019

I'm kinda new to those mailing lists and those are the only ones I ever
subscribed so I'm a bit in the audience you're targeting James.

What I think is bad using mailing list it's the absence of votes. I'd often
like to just hit a "+1" button for some mails just to say to the author I'm
with him and I think s.he's ideas are great. In some of the recent threads,
some of the ideas I agreed with were just smashed by others. I couldn't
give my two cents and the debate juste ended and I couldn't say the author
I was behind him.er. Another thing I think is not good is the absence of
little chit-chat and editing. Actually, a lot of emails are just
explanations of what the authors meant. That's pretty spammy and a few
messages exchanged + editing would correct this spammy thing.

In another hand, I think mailing lists are great to avoid short and useless
messages. There's no spammy message like "I'm ok" which could be replaced
by just a "+1" button. It forces us using LBYL principle (@poke Robert) and
it (imho) better fills the needs of such discussions.

As you may have get it, I'd rather a forum like thing rather than mailing
lists but mailings lists are great.

Le ven. 1 févr. 2019 à 18:22, Robert Vanden Eynde <robertve92 at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> That's a nice question !
> The main thing is "is this list more EmailLike or MessengerLike"
> When I speak on Messenger (or any instantaneous conversation software) I
> send a lot of very small messages, like "+1", it's interactive, I'm
> expecting a short answer.
> If I say something stupid, I undo, if I can't undo because the delay of my
> client is done, I send another message beginning with "Oops" or something
> obvious. It's the EAFP (Easier to ask for forgiveness than Permission)
> style.
> The point is "looking ar my first few words, people understand the message"
> When I speak on TraditionalDifferedEmail, I'm more like LBYL (Look before
> you Leap), I write a long, but structured message, such that people see
> first the structure, (intro, body, conclusion), and look in the message if
> they want.
> On Fri, 1 Feb 2019, 17:40 James Lu <jamtlu at gmail.com wrote:
>> A lot of the traffic on this email list is people saying “I don’t
>> understand” or “that’s not what I meant” or trying to re-explain. A lot of
>> “-1”s are really “I don’t see the usefulness of this”.
>> So I want an open discussion on: How can we communicate clearer?
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