compiled ldap libs for win32/python 2.5

Ross McKerchar it at
Wed Apr 11 11:37:27 CEST 2007

Michael Ströder wrote:
>> I am curious as I have a win32/2.5 based app that could really do with 
>> some ldap functionality and if I can get the current status of project 
>> then I'll be in a better position to help...
> Your help would be appreciated. Probably using MingW?

Hi Michael,

I've just been investigating this and, although I'm not a complete 
stranger to building with MingW, my initial findings are that I'm a bit 
out of my depth. Statements like 'Cyrus SASL on Windows is still 
laregely a "work in progress"' and Jonathan Bowman's experiences 
suggest that I am very unlikely to succesfully navigate my with through 
such unfamiliar territory in a reasonable time-frame.

I am, however, in a position to offer a donation to the project, if that 
would allow someone with more experience than me to complete the build 
(any takers?).

Alternatively I am willing to be persuaded that the DIY option isn't as 
tricky as appears, so if someone is willing to offer me some extended 
pointers they would be greatly appreciated.


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