try vs. has_key()

Andrew M. Kuchling akuchlin at
Wed Apr 28 11:11:07 EDT 1999

William H. Duquette writes:
>>>> d = {}
>>>> a = 'Foo'
>>>> d[a] = d.get(a, []).append('Bar')
>>>> d
>{'Foo': None}
>I'd have expected to see {'Foo': 'Bar'}, but that's not what I get.

	The .append() method only returns None, not the list you've
just appended to.  

>>> L = []
>>> print L.append(2)
>>> L

You'd want something like:

dummy = d[a] = d.get(a, [])

A.M. Kuchling
When I originally designed Perl 5's OO, I thought about a lot of this stuff,
and chose the explicit object model of Python as being the least confusing. So
far I haven't seen a good reason to change my mind on that.
    -- Larry Wall, 27 Feb 1997 on perl5-porters

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