Stupid Windows Question

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Thu May 27 11:15:38 EDT 1999

Mark Nottingham writes:

> What's the equivalent of an alarm() on Windows? I need to time out a
> httplib fetch of a URL...

Hee hee. I love signals on WIndows.

The following signals are defined (MSVC docs):
 Abnormal termination

 Floating-point error

 Illegal instruction

 CTRL+C signal

 Illegal storage access

 Termination request
but you'll never get a SIGINT, because WIndows spawns a new thread to 
handle it. However:
The SIGILL, SIGSEGV, and SIGTERM signals are not generated under
Windows NT. They are included for ANSI compatibility [editor's note: 
har de har har har]. Thus you can set signal handlers for these 
signals with signal, and you can also explicitly generate these 
signals by calling raise.

So, on NT at least (who knows about the others) you could emulate 
SIGALRM with a windows timer and a raise(). Snort.

More straightforward would be to use select with a timeout on the 
socket, but that's more hackery of a different sort... Or use 
threads, and just kiss off the thread if it doesn't respond within 
your timeout.

- Gordon

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