Python, Tkinter and Tcl (newbie alert)

M.A.Miller miller at
Fri May 21 16:12:14 EDT 1999

I know you said you don't want to port your tcl to python, but I
thought I'd mention this anyway.

>>>>> "John" == John Huber <r42922 at> writes:

    > The main reason I wrote it in Tcl is that is what had the
    > GPIB library.

The python/GPIB interface from the linux lab project might be
useful if you or someone else did want to access gpib devices
from python.  If you're using a different platform, it might be a
good starting place for wrapping whatever library you are using.
(Caveat - I haven't used this interface - I'm just reporting that
it exists).  Alternatively, look into generating a python wrapper
with SWIG for your library.


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