Python mailing list vs. References: (was Re: My quarterly question on Design by Contract in Python...)

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sun May 9 17:37:46 EDT 1999

> I've noticed that posts from both Tim Peters and David Ascher are coming
> through unthreaded, and I suspect it's because either either the mailing
> list software or their mailers are not preserving the References: line
> correctly.

Ny guess is both.  Stuff I get from the mailing list doesn't appear to have
any newsgroup msg-id info in the headers, and I'm certain my mailer (MS
Outlook 98) would toss it even if it did.  This msg of yours did come thru
with a References line, but referring to the post of mine to which you
replied.  For threading to work, wouldn't it have to contain a line with a
reference to *your* msg?  Seems that if OL98 did preserve the References
line it received here, this msg would end up threaded back to my earlier
msg, not to yours.

> Is there anything that can be done about this?

It's always surprised me that DejaNews often manages to insert my stuff in
the right place anyway; e.g., in this very thread.  So maybe you should get
a smarter news reader <cackle>.

> (It's also annoying to get posts cc'd to me by e-mail, but at least I
> can tell when they're going to be public, too.)

Well, you'll never win this one.  Half the people bitch if they do get cc'd,
and the other half bitch if they don't.  I gave up trying to remember who is

cc-everyone-one-week-and-no-one-the-next-ly y'rs  - tim

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