Pythonwin debugger control window size

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Wed May 5 02:34:40 EDT 1999

Stefan Franke wrote in message <372db452.14178297 at>...

>How do I change the size of the pywin.debugger control window?

You dont :-(

>I tried to fiddle with the registry settings in
>    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python Debugger\win32ui module\
>    Debugger Dialog Position
>but this changes the windows size only - the property sheets retain their

Making the window sizable is easy, even though it isnt - because  the
controls dont all move with it, and I cant be bothered writing the code to
make it work. (And annoyed I should have to)

>(5 minutes later I messed the whole thing up, and had to reinstall

Ooops :-)  Probably could have just removed the Pythonwin and/or Debugger
registry keys?

>Of course a resizable window would be most cool. Working with the
>window is sometimes a pain with its current size.

Definately.  However, I want to drop the dialog completely - I want dockable
controls, and use the main interactive window, rather than a new one in the
debugger.  Various histe^horical reasons for that.

Pulling me in the other direction is the possibility of using MS debuggers -
gets me out of debuggers all together.  The debugger doesnt gain much from
being implemented in Python - you still cant change code as it is executing
(which is what would be _really_ nice :-)

>BTW: I noticed that the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python Debugger keys
>are not removed by installer. I just checked it, and it seems to happen
even if
>they remain unchanged.

Oops.  I will fix that.



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