Zope comparisons? (ASP, PHP, etc)

Christopher Petrilli petrilli at digicool.com
Mon Nov 15 10:40:14 EST 1999

in article 06lU3.259$Ae3.186544 at news-dal.corridex.com, Evan Simpson at
evan at tokenexchange.com wrote on 11/4/99 2:26 PM:

> 3. ZODB: A versioning, transaction-based object store with automatic object
> persistence and conflict handling.  ZODB stores an object hierarchy as a
> single file (2GB limit being worked on) and appends new versions of objects
> when their request transaction is comitted.  This allows extensive undo, and
> requires occasional packing to eliminate old, unwanted versions.  Most HTML
> is generated by standard Zope objects using...

Just want to clarify that this is a Linux restriction, not a Zope
restriction.  We use a 64-bit OID, so if the underlying OS supports larger
files, then we should continue to grow.

| Christopher Petrilli        Python Powered        Digital Creations, Inc.
| petrilli at digicool.com                             http://www.digicool.com

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