Tkinter canvas blow-up: bbox(ALL) == None

Randall Hopper aa8vb at
Tue Nov 2 13:22:07 EST 1999

Randall Hopper:
 |Fredrik Lundh:
 | |Randall Hopper <aa8vb at> wrote:
 | |>      Apparently if the bounds of the items in a Tk canvas widget exceed
 | |> MAXINT, bbox(ALL) returns None.  The attached Python script demonstrates
 | |> this.
 |Ok, thanks for the info.  So do you know if Tk uses ints internally as
 |well, or is its returning the empty string an artifact of how it was fed by

Sorry.  Too many pronouns and implied nouns in that sentence.  Should read:

 So do you know if Tk uses ints internally [to represent the bounding box],
 or is Tk's returning the empty string an artifact of how Tk was fed by


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