int -> IP

Klaus Baldermann kbaldermann at
Tue Nov 30 08:57:40 EST 1999

Andrew M. Kuchling wrote in message
<3dg0y1nimy.fsf at>...
>sbarron at twilight. (Scott Barron) writes:
>> The string is a representation of the IP address as a long int in network
>> byte order.  For example 16777343 would be  So it can't be

>def transip2 (ipstr):
>    # Pack into a 4-byte integer
>    s = struct.pack('!L', string.atol(ipstr) )
>    # Unpack as 4 bytes
>    L = struct.unpack('!4B', s)
>    return `L[3]`+'.' + `L[2]`+'.'+`L[1]`+'.'+`L[0]`

PMFJI a bit late, but the last line looks a bit tedious to type :-)
packing it the other direction (little endian) enables us using string.join:

>>> from struct import pack, unpack
>>> from string import atol, join
>>> def transip3(long): return join(map(str,unpack('4B', pack('<L',
atol(long)))), '.')

>>> transip3('16777343')
>>> transip3('2227275982')

map-filter-and-reduce-remind-me-of-APL-ly yours

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