Acronyms, Names of Projects, etcetera. OTish.

Stephen Hansen stephen at
Wed Jul 5 05:31:24 EDT 2000

I've been off-and-on working on a pet project for awhile now, that
frequently gets started up when I decide I want to learn something new, then
gets put away after I learn said something. And as I learn more, it tends to
get competely revamped in design and implementation.

The only consistant thing that i've had so far is a name 'Pyces', pronounced
Pisces. So i'm all happily, idly, coding in a hobby-ish fashion, and come
across a post on random numbers..and blam!... I see a projected NAMED
Pisces, and..well, obviousely pronounced Pisces. That just won't do. So, I
had to come up with a new name -- and a new acronym, of course.

Behold the wonder that i've come up with, after spending way more time then
I will ever admit to...

Pyramid (I don't care if anyone else has something named this!)

PYthonic Repository for Advanced Missive Interpretation and Distribution

lol. I'm sorry, this is really a pointless message. I just rather proud of
my silly acronym.

Ten cents to the person who guesses what it is :) (Not that it's that hard.)


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