Python Productivity over C++

François Pinard pinard at
Sat Jun 10 12:00:51 EDT 2000

[wlav at (Wim Lavrijsen)]
> ["M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at>]

> >reduces LOCs, scales well (from 5-100k LOCs if needed -- which is
> >roughly equivalent to 25-250k LOCs in C++ from my own experience).

> This is interesting.  Could other people confirm this?  Ie. that the
> trade-off for Python is larger at small projects (factor ~5) than at medium
> sized projects (factor ~2.5)?  And what is the cause of the difference?

I would be tempted to say than for big projects, you usually build specific
libraries and tools for your project, kind of another language layer.
One this is done, and if done well, it increases the expressivity of the
language you use, whatever the language is, and so, reduces the difference
between languages.  For medium sized projects, the layer of specific
libraries is thinner, and you then observe more directly the expressivity
of the bare programming languages.

François Pinard

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