June 2000 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jun 1 00:03:55 EDT 2000
Ending: Fri Jun 30 23:24:33 EDT 2000
Messages: 4088
- Scoping: Is Python and does it matter?
Jeremy Hylton
- Is Python really slow?
Ken Seehof
- Calling Function in DLL on Windows
Robin Becker
- OT: why tar is strange
Radovan Garabik
- starship status?
Michael Hudson
- PIL problem: can't load PNG images
Maurizio Turatti
- PyRun_String
Stephen Hansen
- Python sighting in the wild: Red Hat's Anaconda GUI installer
David Porter
- ANN: bzip2 module
David Porter
- ANNOUNCEMENT: PythonWorks 1.0 now available (may 31, 2000)
- jpython-archives
- RePost: Object deletion problem
Nick Belshaw
- Dictionary size/speed limit?
Michael Morrison
- Marking hyperlinks in a Text widget
André Dahlqvist
- str(None) == '' ?
Eduard Hiti
- Using python (or Tcl) on the web
Garry Hodgson
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 1st, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- Linux build failure when enabling tkinter
Mark Ardis
- Interprocess comunication
Aahz Maruch
- Stand-alones on the Mac?
Tom Loredo
- garbage collection and Tkinter
Neil Schemenauer
- random # errors?
Aahz Maruch
- OT: too-tiny fonts in Netscape
André Dahlqvist
- Is it just Syntactic Sugar ?
Johann Hibschman
- *blink* That's neat.
Martijn Faassen
- "non-essential difficulty" - syntax highlighting?
Martijn Faassen
- search for a string?
Ken Seehof
- Installing numpy
Michael Strasser
- "Fixing" os.system on Windows
Aahz Maruch
- Two questions on embedding :)
Gordon McMillan
- Compiling PIL under RH6.2
Eric Frey
- scripts not completing...
chibaA at TinterlogD.Tcom
- Getting the directory size
Mark Hammond
- A Mountain of Perl Books + Python Advocacy
Simon Brunning
- Styling Temporary Code
Shae Erisson
- SQL: don't use bind variables (was Re: Using strings with ' in them in SQL-queries)
Paul Boddie
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Python Development Team Moves to BeOpen.com
Jacek Generowicz
- Using strings with ' in them in SQL-queries
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Find computer, software, accessories
info at info.com
- Status of List
Emile van Sebille
- Bad Math Module Notation re: atan2
Harald Hanche-Olsen
- file.seek misbehaving?
- Escapse sequences???
- Python, Glade, & GTK
- Python code editable/viewable by user
- Currency format for floats?
Joseph Santaniello
- Division considered un-Pythonic (Re: Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!))
Rainer Deyke
- Python for Autocad 0.3 - closer to usefulness
Georg Mischler
- Sorting a list
Aaron Ginn
- historical python releases?
Warren Postma
- planning ALSA PCM audio interface
Johannes Nix
- And now for something completely different. Was: String.join revisited (URGENT for 1.6)
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- Help with SSL
Latha Ravishankar
- Escapes???
Robert Kern
- 1.6: TMTOWTDI (was Re: String.join revisited (URGENT for 1.6))
Justin Sheehy
- Help, Image Filters with numpy
Travis Oliphant
- [ANN] Zope at Linuxtag 2000 in Stuttgart
Stephan Richter
- Timeout using tkinter?
Tim Rowe
- Question on embedding. www.mcmillian-inc.com
Gordon McMillan
- Help with SSL in 1.6
Johannes Stezenbach
- Copyright Notice in Commercial Software
t_e_sanders at my-deja.com
- Extending 1.6 vs 1.52 - how runny is it?
- zope example at /url/
Kaimar Karu
- ILU Question...
- Found it with ( find /usr | grep config/Makefile )
rayleyva at my-deja.com
- scoping problem with lambda
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Python Development Team Moves to Dutch
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- Why is my Tkintering so bad?
- How to free a port that has been used by a python server?
- overriding import
Michael Hudson
- mixed solution: unicase (unique allowed case) (was: Re: Case-sensitivity: )
Moshe Zadka
- compiler_question->diret to whom(?)
Moshe Zadka
- Sequence-length - Missing the obvious ?
Aahz Maruch
- Find The Real G Spot with a Naughty Tonic!
notin at myisp.com
- Erm... MacOS X?
Cliff Crawford
- test
Robin Becker
- Combining two graphic images
Anders Eriksson
- medusa python and CGI
Jilani Khaldi
- String.join revisited (URGENT for 1.6)
Juergen A. Erhard
- Automatic reload()?
Daehyok Shin
- Python GUI requires tcl?
Joe Smith
- memory leak on solaris 2.5.1 / 2.6 ?
Thomas Wouters
- auto-debugging features?
Steven D. Arnold
- Palm Python?
Ken McCracken
- float does not parse '0.000000E+00'
Darrell Gallion
- exit(); halt; in pyhton
David Goodger
- PERFORMANCE: list versus a "dlist"
- User Input?
Michael Morrison
- Um? *boggle* Silly question about listobject.c
- xml and python
Harry George
- Query about using "DataHandlers" module
Andy Elvey
- Mathematica and python 1.5
Thomas A. Bryan
- Windows application with python - Tcl/Tk. How?
Jilani Khaldi
- ANN: metahtmllib 0.5
Niklas Frykholm
- Upcoming Starship changes
Berthold Höllmann
- ftplib storbinary method interception
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 4th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- Print formatting - same line printing?
- HTMLParser: getting one extra space around >/</^M tags
Les Schaffer
- GTK broke things! Re: float does not parse '0.000000E+00'
Paolo Redaelli
- How to find out height of a Canvas
Frank Niessink
- win32com and Excel
Eric Hagemann
- Please help with python extension problem
- Awsome Site
paper_rod at yahoo.com
- deque vs list: performance notes
- PyXML-0.5.4 and Site-Packages
Mike Kilgore
- python and web applications
Paolo Redaelli
- [Python-Dev] What's that sound?
Cameron Laird
- Questions regarding design decisions in listobject.c
Gordon McMillan
- instantiate multiple automation objects
Yoon S. Choi
- Pointrel Data Repository System for Python
snowcat98 at my-deja.com
- Python's RE
Evgeny Zemlerub
- stripping out unwanted characters in string
Johannes Stezenbach
- Zope compatible with Windows 2000?
Thomas Mangin
- Problems with pickler in comination with pygnome/pygtk
Shae Erisson
- Starship ever gonna fly?
Ken Seehof
- How to run scripts from idle
Tim Gahnström
- Abstract Syntax Tree from Python2C search and transform?
Shae Erisson
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 5)
Andrew M. Kuchling
- Regular expressions trouble
vivienne_van_velzen at my-deja.com
- Windows 2000 Server compatibility?
Peter Immarco
- win32Service.OpenService not working
tiddlerdeja at my-deja.com
- embedding pythonwin: deadlock on PyWinInterpreterLock_Acquire
Robert Kiendl
- Cool! (was: "dlist" -- beta is ready)
Russell Turpin
- Scrolled canvas confusion
André Dahlqvist
- Pausing Loop
- Grace
kstar18 at hotmail.com
- Recompiling Python with threads enabled
Martin Skøtt
- ANN: MatPy - Matrix package for Python
Huaiyu Zhu
- Thread Question
shanyjann at my-deja.com
- A Simple question about a slice of a string.
Johann Hibschman
- How to prevent a web client from timing out
Alexis Iglauer
- "dlist" -- beta is ready
dmost at magna.com.au
- threading with time limit
Marc Tardif
- MemoryError crashes within try clause
Phil Mayes
- mixed solution: unicase (unique allowed case) (was: Re:
Tim Rowe
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 5th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- OSCON help?
Aahz Maruch
- operator overloading
Emile van Sebille
- indirect references
Rainer Deyke
- Network byte ordering question ...
David Bolen
- Executing a function based on user-input
Darrell Gallion
- SSL and POST with httplib or urllib
Phil Mayes
- E-Commerce solution using Python and Zope.
contactXXX at redspice.com
- Zope CGI
contactXXX at redspice.com
- Memory leak: assigning function object to instance variable
John Parkey
- How do I create extensions to Python in C?
- Local Databases with Python
Stephen Hansen
- SV: How to execute python scripts under Apache?
Max Møller Rasmussen
- set Registry User Security
Mark Hammond
- Nympy for win
radoslav hodnicak
- MimeWriter and Excel file
Juan Carlos Coruña
- rld failure on IRIX
Randall Hopper
- - Sondage -
pierre.pompanon at wanadoo.fr
- C extension using Numeric arrays -- do I really need all this error
Ken Seehof
- Magazine Article
RS Solutions
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 6th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- Newbie question.
andres at corrada.com
- PyRun_SimpleString error handling
Randy Heiland
- author of htmllib/formatter?
Aahz Maruch
- Small bug in zlib module
Greg Chapman
- [Human] Lanaguage translation
François Pinard
- "syncmail" in CVS repository
Juergen Hermann
- What's in a name?
- Spanish tutor available
Alan Gauld
- [ANNOUNCE] Webware for Python 0.3
Chuck Esterbrook
- [XML-SIG] Pyexpat
Ivan Van Laningham
- check for a running subprocess
Randall Hopper
- Capture stderr/stdout from python embedded python?
Scott Bender
- GTK breaks float! (related to "float does not parse 0.00000E+00")
Johann Hibschman
- gtk and GdkColor and set_forground
garyl at saeweb.com
- popen in real time?
Michael P. Soulier
- Space Sensitive?
Martijn Faassen
- Getting the module name from a method...
François Pinard
- [ANNOUNCE] Pyro 1.2 - distributed objects
Irmen de Jong
- strange list behavior
Sean Blakey
- File dialog
Helge Stenström no spam please
- PyXML build error
Sven Kuenzler
- PyOpinion: Does Python Programming Marginalize You?
Rainer Deyke
- dictionary with complex keys
Stefan Seefeld
- Is there any gui builder like glade for wxwindows?
- DEBUGGER question
al at servana.com
- Why Do We Use This?
- Python to call commands, e.g. "find , perl scripts , nmap , and others" is this possible?
Ken Seehof
- Python to call commands, e.g. "find , perl scripts , nmap , and others" is this possible?
Ken Seehof
- Python to call commands, e.g. "find , perl scripts , nmap , and others" is this possible?
Emile van Sebille
- Python to call commands, e.g. "find , perl scripts , nmap , and others" is this possible?
Emile van Sebille
- Python to call commands, e.g. "find , perl scripts , nmap , and others" is this possible?
Klaus Baldermann
- Python to call commands, e.g. "find , perl scripts , nmap , and others" is this possible?
Roger Upole
- win python and graphics
- Newbie questions on pdb
Fred Clare
- No subject
Ken Seehof
- drawing graphs in python
Dave Cole
- Perl and NT/2000 resources please
Mark Hammond
- Seek in urllib.urlopen()?
Robert Roy
- Example of Python code (C code to Python code)
Opinderjit Singh Bhella
- Need help on Python/C++
Donn Cave
- __getattr__ and __setattr__ troubles
Moshe Zadka
- Python <--> XML data binding.
Paul Prescod
- Real basic question about Entry box's data
RS Solutions
- math.exp underflow (was: exp behaviour: is it a bug ?)
Konrad Hinsen
- Newbie Question...
Robin Porter
- [Fwd: PyOpinion: Does Python Programming Marginalize You?]
Pablo Prieto
- unicode in python
M.-A. Lemburg
- Another Newbie question....
Robin Porter
- is there any gui builder like glade for wxwindows
- Ruby -- A better OO Perl than Perl? Python 3000 features available now?
- What is Python3000??
Thomas Weholt
- Python under VMware/NT?
Thilo Ernst
- (newbie) syntax problem compiling python scripts...
Krist van Besien
- Spurious coercing? [was: Re: 'if foo' calls getattr?!?]
François Pinard
- Calling external programs: ioredirection
Thaddeus L. Olczyk
- ANNOUNCEMENT: The Python Imaging Library, version 1.1 (june 7, 2000)
- Embedding + extending without DLLs
Daniel Dittmar
- BibTeX entries for python Doc's
Manuel Gutierrez Algaba
- Numeric on Dec Alpha
Michel Sanner
- color of listbox entries (Tkinter)
Thomas Thiele
- WxPython & MOTIF (Not GTK)
heath7952 at my-deja.com
- 1.6 regular expression copyright
Bjorn Pettersen
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 7th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- Gordon M's Installer- Missing DLL
Gordon McMillan
- Solaris 2.6 Build Fails
Sara Fowler
- SQL Variable Substitution Question
Bjorn Pettersen
- Calling python from C++.
Thaddeus L. Olczyk
- Case-sensitivity? Hal says "No" ;-)
Juergen A. Erhard
- Newbie question....
Robin Porter
- Win32net.NetServerEnum Unicode problem
Roger Upole
- SQL Query Question
Scott Barron
- Definite Newbie Question....
Robin Porter
- Tkinter: any drag-and-drop features, yet?
Hung Jung Lu
- Getting link arguments for embedding Python in C
Ian Main
- numpy installation woes
long_way_home at my-deja.com
- Dutch.comp.python.org (was : Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Python Development Team Moves to BeOpen.com)
Martijn Faassen
- abuse of lambda question
Ben Wolfson
- Why not a "Deluxe" Python-distribution
thomas at cintra.no
- Can I explicitly request garbage collection from C?
- Question about Jpegs
Michael Morrison
- Newbie Q: CGI
Steven Adams
- physical hardware accesss
Blu Dragoon
- Please help!!!!
- Score another one for the Python Job Board!
kipster_t at my-deja.com
- CentExchange - The best traffic builder
mktsite at centexchange.com
- TypeError: unsubscriptable object
Cyrille Artho
- Capturing Extension output (newbie)
Moshe Zadka
- Pyrite
- Why not a Python Package Manager
Moshe Zadka
- I need a lesson.
Moshe Zadka
- My wishlist for Python3K
Thomas Wouters
- GUI editor
Shae Erisson
- Some questions about C extensions
- PyXML 0.5.5: fix for pyexpat.c
Andrew M. Kuchling
- Stealing from Ruby to Pay Python. SDBM?
Warren Postma
- Position Announcement
Michaell Taylor
- CPAN for python?
David N. Welton
- graph layout module?
Calvelo Daniel
Sara Fowler
- MacOS: problems with tkinter
Art Werschulz
- Rich comparisons (was: My wishlist for Python3K)
Phil Austin
- ANNOUNCE: early alpha Quixote Web development tool
Jan Decaluwe
- How to tell if I can open a file or not
Donn Cave
- setblocking in Win32
Mike Fletcher
- Can this be stopped from leaking memory?
Niall Smart
- function and library listing
Justin Sheehy
- Using python with Corba
Thaddeus L. Olczyk
- Obscure Exception message
Bjorn Pettersen
- quick newbie question on variables. please answer
- Future of PythonWin?
Boudewijn Rempt
- Why can't I restore my redirected stdout?
Rainer Deyke
- toString()
Quinn Dunkan
- Problem with Python/ASP/COM?
Christian Fedtke
- Testing -- not a new message in a while
Samuel A. Falvo II
- wishlist Python3K: subclass ints
Moshe Zadka
- Still doing python scripting.
Gordon McMillan
- Newbie: Simple question about string slices
Ray Smith
- Problem compiling source
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- = vs. == in Py3k
Lawrence Kesteloot
- where is PyOpenGL?
Gabor Papp
- tkinter -- why doesn't this work?
Gabor Papp
- win32pipe
Chui Tey
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 9th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- [Snippet] Case Correction in Python
Moshe Zadka
- Swig: typemap for string out parameter
Olaf Trygve Berglihn
- pyc -> py can i transform it?
Michael Hudson
- Pythonwin is terribly good.
Bill Wilkinson
- Bypass Sytem Output?
Jeff Bauer
- print without newline
Wim Lavrijsen
- Python, COM, DAO, and Licensing
Jeff Kunce
- Finding cycles and garbage, was( RE: Python Productivity over C++)
Mike Fletcher
- Why is Python so slow?
Gaetan Corneau
- win32all-132 available
Timothy Grant
- CDR on sale
a & j trading company
- Regular expression matching performance
Moshe Zadka
- Pythonwin is terrible!
Michael Hudson
- Problem with script and typing
Wim Lavrijsen
- readlines() question
Moshe Zadka
- Porting CPython
perl_monkey at my-deja.com
- Python Productivity over C++
Drew Csillag
- Why is Python a memory hog?
Bjorn Pettersen
- Python for Windows -- what to install?
Hrvoje Niksic
- PATCH: Augmented assignment
Doug Stanfield
- OT: spaces in filenames
Neil Schemenauer
- ActiveX scripting - does it work?
Joe Smith
- I need a lesson - howfast.py Revisited
Bjorn Pettersen
- "Announce": Python Snippets site on hold
Frank V. Castellucci
- Setting Port Speed in Linux Python: HOW?
Darren Enns
- MatPy-0.2.7 released
Huaiyu Zhu
- Programming Language Comparison
Jon McLin
Daniel Berlin
- Debuggers.
Mark Hammond
- Linewrapping in Pythonwin?
Mark Hammond
- getting a URL
johnvert at my-deja.com
- Python and Mac OS X
Mark A.
- Does anyone has Mark Hammonds's IPC-8 presentation?
Mark Hammond
- Distutils: Problem with install_path?
Erik de Castro Lopo
- SOLVED (was Re: Distutils: Problem with install_path?)
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Gnome Applets and Python
Moshe Zadka
- Probably a dumb question
Moshe Zadka
- mxTextTools
Mike Fletcher
- Programming Poll
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 10th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- Damnation! (was: Re: Python3k extended grammar)
Moshe Zadka
- Stackless Python for the Mac?
Just van Rossum
- RFC822 compliance in modern mail clients?
Ralph Corderoy
- Checking socket type?
Moshe Zadka
- ? Py 1.6 final
- Tkintr: how to seize focus in a transient?
Grant Edwards
- Python vs. Ruby: threads - advice appreciated
Alan Miller
- windll
Jean-Yves Vinet
- namespace question
Jerome Chan
- novity
- No strptime in Windows?
david_ullrich at my-deja.com
- Type problem on Windows
Thomas Wouters
- Tkinter: treeview widget
Dieter Maurer
- Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)
- Stackless Python in Commercial Game Project!
- Starting with Python
Tobias Rademacher
- Wrapper for pcap?
Z 3 Penguin
- windows programming
Paul Magwene
- python DBI?
Sam Wun
- MySQL module
Sam Wun
- PythonWin and collections
Roger Upole
- Will logging system be useful for python programmers ?
Igor E. Poteryaev
- win32gui question - is my window the foreground window?
- Python and ADO 2.5?
Peter Immarco
- 8-bit cleanliness
Thomas Wouters
- Pythonwin is Great!
Roger Upole
Alan Alper
- spaces in filenames
Tim Peters
- How to display UNICODE text in idle?
- Mega-dir() or my cool snippet of the day
Kevin Jacobs
- time.clock() always returns 0?
Stephen Robert Norris
- Missing source files?
William Dandreta
- the windows interpreter
Jim Richardson
- Adding Directory to PYTHONPATH
mike at pl.net
- Newbie: displaying binary numbers
Steven Adams
- Putting Objects on the Web
Nathan Heagy
- jpython +java module problem
Douglas du Boulay
- IDLE can be rewrited using wxPython as GUI widget?
- Email
Joe Wilson
- NumPy
Robin Porter
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 12th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- problems with cgi script
kazan at kazan.
- Tkinter: disable a item in a Menubar
Greg McFarlane
- python and php??
Sam Wun
- string.atoi() doesn't do negative base16 - why??
Robert Cragie
- Sorts
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- Jpython
Wang Wei
- IDLE can be rewrited using wxPython?
Mike Fletcher
- OpenDX Python Wrapper -- any interest?
kbdavidson at my-deja.com
- enabling threads on HP-UX
j vickroy
- Python Issues.
- WIN32API GetLastError()
- Where are the math functions?
Russell E. Owen
- Embedded Python and Restricted Execution
cgfandrich at my-deja.com
- Testing for a file in python?
Moshe Zadka
- Fun with sys.modules
Duncan Grisby
- Mozilla, XUL and...Python?
Dan L. Pierson
- Threads -- play well with others? If not, what instead?
Grant Edwards
- Printing exceptions
Aahz Maruch
- tkinter question
Rainer Deyke
- SMTP via pipes?
Henning Schroeder
- Tkinter Speed
Daniel Kramer
- NumPy arrays: how to remove extra axes
Tim Hochberg
- stupid thread question
Aahz Maruch
- Summer Computer Jobs
- dynamic classes/objects and the like
gmol at my-deja.com
- Recruiting python programmer
Vladimir Marangozov
- Thanks
Klaus Bruns
- Formating complex numbers
Huaiyu Zhu
- pipes and popen2
Thomas Wouters
- ANN: mxCGIPython Project - Version 0.2.3
M.-A. Lemburg
- No Boolean type in "types"
Mikael Olofsson
- can python do this?
Ken Seehof
- Where should I put my HTMLgen directory?
Max Møller Rasmussen
- Zope on NT port problem
- Tkinter: Entry widget with history/completion
Alan Gauld
- importing module through variable
André Dahlqvist
- Python Extensions with Borland's Free Compiler Tools
Ng Pheng Siong
- Something for speedfreaks and pythongoeroes
BuCoDI-Rony Steelandt
- TypeError: unhashable type
Jeremy Hylton
- ANNOUNCEMENT: The PythonWare py152 distribution (june 5, 2000)
- Paring down Python (physically)
Alex Walker
- unsettling tkinter bug -- or is it just me?
Kevin Russell
- How many times inner functions are compiled ?
Tim Peters
- circular slide rule
Will Ware
- O'Reilly Python Conference Early Registration Deadline Looming
David Ascher
- Problems installing win32com
Mark Hammond
- Two newbie questions
Manus Hand
- python or java for my graphical app?
Chetan Ahuja
- Client with select.select()
David Bolen
- no SyntaxError?
Brett g Porter
- Newbie questions
- ASP, Python, VBScript and sharing like friends
- ASP, Python, VBScript and sharing like friends
- ASP, Python, VBScript and sharing like friends
millja at my-deja.com
- ASP, Python, VBScript and sharing like friends
millja at my-deja.com
- ASP, Python, VBScript and sharing like friends
- ASP, Python, VBScript and sharing like friends
Mark Hammond
- ASP, Python, VBScript and sharing like friends
millja at my-deja.com
- help formatting number
William Park
- Python text mode client of ICQ
Manuel Gutierrez Algaba
- Problems with COM
Jean-Louis Couturier
- tcl/tk vs. python/Tkinter - Example attached
Daniel Kramer
- "import foo" and "from foo import bar"
Tom Loredo
- need feedback on ADO and Python
Michel Orengo
- python with Postgresql using mxODBC
Jared Lee Peterson
- Can't Install Modules on RedHat rpm 1.5.2 devl
jbusler at my-deja.com
- Session
Dirk Xklbr
- How do you FTP ASCII if ftplib strips CR?
echuck at mindspring.com
- tuple creation in C extensions
- Python Sites
- Standalone http server, cgi software?
Edward C. Jones
- Just-In-Time importing
Michal Wallace
- Threading tips.
- stringobject question
Al-Amerrho H. Amerin
- Python + libnet? Link Level Networking?
- Newbie: Pass Value
Rob Hooft
- Python
- tuple question
- Which linux distros have Python by default?
Thomas Weholt
- ANNOUNCE: wxPython 2.1.16
David Bolen
- Web Session
Michael Ströder
- connectable Python COM server
Arpad Kiss
- cgi behaviouring with key=& url
Thomas Mangin
- Windows: COM Automation problem with german VB localisation
Dirk-Ulrich Heise
- When to import
Mikael Olofsson
- A simple question
Ken Seehof
- Problem assigning timevalue to Excel - COM
Bror Johansson
- tkinter/windows/starting html
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- Tag file for Visual Slick Edit
Horst Gassner
- Python and Windows Scripting Host
Jim Bower
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 14th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- TCP packet size?
Richard Brodie
- HTML Regular Expression
Michael Morrison
- [Q:] hash table performance!
Alexander Williams
- Pointers in PYTHON
Robin Porter
- Killing wxPython process in PythonWin
Gordon McMillan
- Newbie : Add to PYTHONPATH
hohage at muenster.de
- Wondering about Domingo's Rational Mean book"
Iain Davidson
- stdout
Michaell Taylor
- python <--> MySQL w.r.t. binary files (bitmap images like .jpg's)
richard at insight20.freeserve.co.uk
- can this be optimized
Pete Shinners
- callbacks in python
Jonathan Epstein
- somebody stop me
Pete Shinners
- Numeric python
Daehyok Shin
- Regular Expressions and Threads?
Aahz Maruch
- Simple thread prob
Aahz Maruch
- Python and Video for Windows?
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- Can't execute an external program !
Mark Hammond
- Rude question about BeOpen.com
Nicholas Geovanis
- Static python on AIX
Vladimir Marangozov
- How to prevent illegal definition of a variable in objects?
Daehyok Shin
- Math statements and Freeze problem
F. G. Brown
- 2 embedding in C++ questions
- Why does time.gmtime() use Monday=0?
Tim Bell
- 8 queen/game of life
Trent Mick
- Python??
- Hex to decimal
Donn Cave
- python is hard to learn without c
jin choung
- Piping output to a web browser...
Niklas Frykholm
- Python/COM/VfW
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- Parsing dates
Anders M Eriksson
- [win32] how to get the running applications?
robert_kuzelj at my-deja.com
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 15)
Andrew M. Kuchling
- Entry widget with history/completion, again
Hans-Joachim Widmaier
- Threads and GUI
John Grayson
- tkinter: wait_variable
John Grayson
- Does Python help with the no-Unix handicap?
Martijn Faassen
- Modulator.py in Pythonwin?
Gordon McMillan
- PythonWin Debugging tools???
Eric Lengvenis
- Python and the PIL...
- Text processing for a non-programmer
Aahz Maruch
- Best link for Python add-ins?
Thomas Wouters
- telnetlib strange behavior?
bragib at my-deja.com
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 15th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
David C. Ullrich
- Testing for file open
Michaell Taylor
- incremental parsing of Python
Shae Erisson
- Python 1.5.2 on HP-UX v11
j vickroy
- how to pause a forked process
j vickroy
- Anyone experienced in telnetlib?
bragib at my-deja.com
- Advice on a Learning strategy
bo Vandenberg
- Python is not for the desert [ Re: How Fast Does Python Run?]
Manuel Gutierrez Algaba
- Starship
Ken Seehof
- SWIG + NumPy - any examples ?
jsboyle at my-deja.com
- newbie needs select-files tool
bill slaybaugh
- Extension types: conflicting use of "*"
Olaf Delgado
- Can I build a single file containing all the contents of LIB?
Gordon McMillan
- tkinter vs. Perl/Tk
Paul Magwene
- Can't get NumPy to Install
Tom Loredo
- cmd, readline, and rlcompleter problems
Peter Kazmier
- Python Productivity over C++ (Encapsulation)
Jeff Massung
- locate
Doug Stanfield
- How Fast Does Python Run?
Jerome Quelin
- Python in home automation
- Problems with classes and __add__ and __mul__...
Helmut Weil
- how does python invoke an external C function??
Sam Wun
- Extending Python with Obj-C on MacOSX(server)?
Jerome Chan
- identifying operating system
Emile van Sebille
- Starship - "I'm not dead."
Ken Seehof
- Waffling between Python and Ruby
Ken Seehof
- Python class browser
Ken Seehof
- How does python invoke external C function?
Wolfgang Grafen
- PalmPilot computing on the Windows platform
Thomas Weholt
- Suggestion: "Completing" HTTP support in Python.
Oleg Broytmann
- Are You Looking for a Merchant Account?
ZWang Productions
- apply for objects
Hahn S
- broken examples in reference? Help??
Thomas Wouters
- Pini/PythonSpaces?
Cees de Groot
- Python segfault
Thomas Wouters
- i made mailer (Python CGI)
fisher at r.hi-fi-net.com
- more on python and GUI speed
Mikael Olofsson
- Tkinter Widget command function call
Richard Chamberlain
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 16th, 2000
Charlie Derr
- €€ Newbie question : time zone differences
Bob Langdon
- Ret status technique popen, popen2 (NT)
Neil Hodgson
- Newbie question : time zone differences
Aahz Maruch
- Steel Building Clearance
Steel Building Promo
- Python garbage collection.
- Nth digit of PI
- freeze, standalone?
Gordon McMillan
- newbie: dynamic code loading
Dave Pettypiece
- install gone awry
Richard Otten
- Lot's of one-time-pads available for $15 each! [was: Nth digit of PI]
Aahz Maruch
- initializing a class
Janos Blazi
- Function that knows the names of its actual parameters
John W. Baxter
- Reloading modules dynamically
Hung Jung Lu
- Module index information in machine readable form?
Jonathan Epstein
- free python hosting?
Craig Allen
- Augmented assignment, update
Hamish Lawson
- Idle question about process threads (nothing to do with editors.)
- How You Can Make $350.24 A Week Or More In Your Spare Time...
Money At Home
- List of functions called in Python source files?
Matthew Schinckel
- Are list mutations thread-safe?
Aahz Maruch
- Monitor on unix
- numpy bug?
Ben Caradoc-Davies
- Question?
Ben Caradoc-Davies
- Typing question
Bob van der Poel
- writing (Gnu)MAKE in Python
Cees de Groot
- performance benefits from byte code files?
Shae Erisson
- Can't find win32all-132
- Pythonwin: editor nits
Dan Underwood
- tkinter: making multiple command bindings
- Problem displaying Numeric Array as image
Les Schaffer
- CodeWright anyone?
- Euro2000 football divination service and more.....
anonymous at abc.com
- How to create a Tk bitmap?
Grant Edwards
- Help: 'AttributeError: wm_title' Error starting IDLE
Bob Erb
- block comments
Pete Shinners
- Problem Installing/Using Windows Extensions
David Steffen
- Python vs. Matlab
Daehyok Shin
- Python 3000 -> No, but there's 'Ruby'
Aahz Maruch
- tkinter: option_add() problem
Bob van der Poel
- help compiling PIL
Michal Wallace
- TABs (was: Waffling between Python and Ruby)
Huaiyu Zhu
- Python Grep (was: writing (Gnu)MAKE in Python)
Eric Hagemann
- Python 3000
Michael Hudson
- dpkg-python??
Shae Erisson
- Overriding 'select'
David Allen
- string.join question (was Re: urllib question)
Aahz Maruch
- yahoo! webmail written in python?
Constantinos A. Kotsokalis
- Python!
- Using Python instead of Perl?
Derek Moeller
- Optimizing Object Instantiation (was Re: How Fast Does Python Run?)
Sam Penrose
- command-line parser
Trent Mick
- ?Extreme Programming in Python?
Robert C. Martin
- JOB: Python Programmer wanted. Sydney Australia
stalacticus at my-deja.com
- Circular import
Frank V. Castellucci
- <OT> New filemanager needs people with files
Aluo Nowu
- win32gui DialogBox
lohgan at my-deja.com
- Three Tkinter questions
Egbert Bouwman
- 0041 ||| Help requested from newbie |||
Alan Gauld
- Options database (was: Define & Include?)
Cameron Laird
- ||| Help requested from newbie |||
dej (instructions in sig)
- ANNOUNCE: jdbi-0.2
Paul Boddie
- Regular expressions vs find?
Aahz Maruch
- Tkinter integration of external Tk widget
Chris Weichenberger
- Getting remote memory configuration
Pieter Claerhout
- Python so far
Paul Svensson
- Pythonwin-wxPython
Gordon Williams
- split() with a separator set
Mikael Olofsson
- accessing access from Python on windows
BuCoDI-Rony Steelandt
- [Litestep] <.OT> New filemanager needs people with files
Bgvinyard at aol.com
- Question
David Porter
- Python 3000 -> No, but there's 'R***'
- OT: for a software patent free Europe
Dieter Maurer
- Bookmarks database and Internet robot version 3.1.2
Oleg Broytmann
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 19)
Andrew M. Kuchling
- bl
- setting environment variables
William Park
- Python vs Perl
- string parameter replacement question
- split() with a separator set -> thank you
Igor V. Rafienko
- Deja is useless?! [was: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 19)]
Jake Speed
- How does __setitem__() work?
- Binary Input: read how?
Michael Morrison
- Capabilities of python?
Michael Morrison
- timbot 1.1?
David Porter
- {Q} OOP Animal class.
Rainer Deyke
- Python Programmer wanted. Sydney Australia
Mark Hammond
- urllib question
Matthew Schinckel
- executing os commands
Matthew Schinckel
- Naive question
Duncan Smith
- Help with telnet...
bragib at my-deja.com
- Why is Python so slow ?- revisited.
William Dandreta
- Getting Password from User
Matthew Schinckel
- standalone programs
Matthew Schinckel
- Strange problem with PythonCOM
barryhart at my-deja.com
- Help: raw_input() Error
Steven Adams
- serial I/O
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- PIL (PYTHONPATH) install question
David Fenyes
- how to get file list via ftp connection
- Pyexpat and iso-8859-1
C.Laurence Gonsalves
- simple thread problem
Duncan Grisby
- jpython AND popen2 = error
Ralph Gauges
- request: web site copy utility
Simon B.
- converting hex number contained in a string to an integer
Thomas Wouters
- How to sell Python ( and OpenSoruce )
Paul Prescod
- How to get the filename for mail-attachments
Morten W. Petersen
- os.path.isdir strange behaviouring
Aahz Maruch
- ReRe: Kjbuckets-Module, Python 1.6 and NT
Gordon McMillan
- SOCK_RAW with python socket library?
Tim Lavoie
- mpeg encoding
Randall Hopper
- Designing an Application
Jeff Mitchell
- Roman Number Representation
Robin Becker
- Profitable opportunity - Join our affiliate program.....
CPS Group, Inc
- Directory ACL's in Python
Mike Warfe
- Simplex needs Database Developer
Phyllis Metzger
- Changing directory ACLs
Albert Hopkins
- Kjbuckets-Module, Python 1.6 and NT
spex66 at my-deja.com
- Using Python to change Directory ACL's in NT
jmwarfe at my-deja.com
- Python and mSQL
Jim Ford
- A few python questions
Rod Haper
- Can't Compile 1.6
Jaime Villela
- Conversion from proprietary satellite control script language
Tim Rowe
- Access violation when no memory
Pat Szuta
- Tkinter and setting focus
- ANN: pymqi - A Python wrapper for IBM MQ
Les Smithson
- strings and integers?
Ken Seehof
- nest class name problem
Michael Hudson
- "TypeError: read-only buffer, None" returned from file.write...
Adam Ruth
- Current date and time
- Python sockets/select
David Allen
- Dictionary vs if-elif?
Aahz Maruch
- User input in curses
Coltrey Mather
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 20th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- EMail Monitoring in Linux
- Output from a python script to a calling program.
Thaddeus L. Olczyk
- scope hacks
Thomas Wouters
- Removing items from a list in a loop
Andrew Henshaw
- PyThreadState_Get error with C extension module
Thomas Freytag
- Strange Tkinter trouble
Bjoern Giesler
- CWI's Python and SGI's Performer
Bram Stolk
- remote execution
Pablo Prieto
- ANNOUNCE: soaplib.py version 0.8
- Enumeration Types (when required)
Mike Brenner
- Tkinter and simulated transparency
Stephane Conversy
- Boa stalled? (GUI editor for wxPython)
Bernhard Reiter
- [python] Comparison feature in Python
Oleg Broytmann
- Titlebar Icon
kapil2000 at my-deja.com
- win32all-132 / Word Automation
Mark Hammond
- an help for every function
William Dandreta
- 123.4+2=125.40000000000001
Tim Peters
- Widget resizing
John Grayson
- Color Wheel Editor in Python?
Tracy Lee Hansen
- Swig and micro$oft __int64 typemaps
- Why whitespace denotation of blocks doesn't work.
Neil Schemenauer
- Transcendentals and Encryption (was Re: Nth digit of PI)
François Pinard
- Conditional Compilation for bytecode?
Shae Erisson
- Tabing and Carriage Returns in Windows Applications
jelizondo at my-deja.com
- Computer Algebra System
Huaiyu Zhu
- Is there no inversion of gmtime()?
- PIL and HPGL
Anders Eriksson
- Enums and Python
Geoff Talvola
- wxpython open source c++
bo Vandenberg
- Tkinter - image not found.
Richard Chamberlain
- Frozen socket.
David Bolen
- Dumb overloading question
Will Ware
- How to control Pmw.ScrolledText scrollbar position?
Maytag Repairman
- Any Python project similar to Jserv and Cocoon?
Hamish Lawson
- speedup numpy ufuncs
Robert Kern
- Python complements C++ for productivity
- Determining Types in a String
William Dandreta
- snmp support in Python
Case Van Horsen
- Game programming and python
Radovan Garabik
- French Python documentation
Marc Poinot
- Problem in _tkinter.c with extending both tk and python with C++
Jyrki Alakuijala
- Python class tree viewer (with wxPython)
Robin Becker
- Python interface to Oracle
- Entering the python mode in emacs.
piet at cs.uu.nl
- Manipulating specific bits
Stephen Hansen
- Versionstamp script included with PythonWin
Pieter Claerhout
- url directory listing
Remco Gerlich
- List of all running processes under NT
Pieter Claerhout
- Dynamically add methods to classes?
Matthew Cline
- Win32 Serial Port Setup
Gordon Williams
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 22nd, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- List of currently loaded drivers under NT
Pieter Claerhout
- win32print.GetPrinter()
Pieter Claerhout
- CurrentUser for remote machine under NT
Pieter Claerhout
- Labels of remote volumes under NT
Pieter Claerhout
- Linux/NT python startup speed
Joel Lucsy
- re.split question
bragib at my-deja.com
- Internet & scripting
locate at locate-now.com
- NameError: response
Jonathan McBrien
- Python module for Dbase files?
William Dandreta
- Am I the only one to receive the messages several times????
Just van Rossum
- Frozen socket. (fwd)
C. Porter Bassett
- mailing list duplicates?
Bill Scherer
- Any other good tutorials?
Phil Austin
- Python website
Aahz Maruch
- minimal python install
Dave Pettypiece
- More control on screen output and input
Jeremy Honl
- trouble with tkinter
- boolean true and false values.
Emile van Sebille
- Using anydbm.
dimus63 at my-deja.com
- Cold Fusion and IBM Websphere using Python as CGI ?
Mirko Zeibig
- Binary Informix Module for *nix???
Ed Taekema
- Extending Python command line
Quinn Dunkan
- trouble with Tkinter installation
Frederic LAURENT
- How to convert a string to hex?
William Dandreta
- running pyton on NT command lines
piet at cs.uu.nl
- python & excel
Cedric Lefeuvre
- adding mail attachments
geoff munday
- what is a .pyo file?
Kalle Svensson
- COM question
Klaus Doerfler
- Disabling Comboboxes
Richard Chamberlain
- Can I connect to a DDE server?
Jean-Francois Richard
- Countdown
- Dictionary class in C++
Frank V. Castellucci
- python & excel and 1 remark
- Most Recently Used file list
- win32pdutil.FindPerformanceAttributesByName slowness
Jonathan Epstein
- python optimization
h__l at my-deja.com
- Successful Solaris 2.6 Compile???
Michael D. Marchionna
- MatPy-0.2.9 released
Huaiyu Zhu
- XML-code examples
Jürgen Hermann
- DB API 2.0 - dictionary fetch ?
jonan at callisia.com
- Posting spew
Aahz Maruch
- Event Binding and Variable Passing
kstar18 at hotmail.com
- writelines() or write()
dave white
- using emacs pdb with a running python process?
Karl Anderson
- python email system help
Alexandre A. Rodioukov
- Examples wanted by newbie
Huaiyu Zhu
- List without duplicates?
jerry_spicklemire at my-deja.com
- Win32COM and Excel Charts
cheeseballs at my-deja.com
- Python COM does not seem to like me.
Mark Hammond
- Coercing classes
Eckhard Pfluegel
- Python and HTML forms?
Shae Erisson
- simple question...
chibaA at TinterlogD.Tcom
- realtime non-blocking keyboard input
Jp Calderone
- Carrage Returns and Tabs in Windows Applications
Tim Roberts
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 24th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- HTML Parser? Sample Code?
John Parkey
- extending python problem
Roger Hansen
- SAP R/3 and Python?
Marcin Benke
- Can I detect if an app it's already running (Win)...
Mario Tola
- Gadfly Question: TypeError on __Init__
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- dot com success (unrelated PYHTON question)
Robin Porter
- Module of built-in wrappers
Thomas Wouters
- Classes: What is the standard trick for ...
Erno Kuusela
- Also looking for DBI info
- need insight...
Suchandra Thapa
- Serial port IO Python module?
Matthew Miller
- tkinter, grid and resize
Tim Evans
- Java Objects vs Pythons?
Gordon McMillan
- Preserving object's original address when restoring from shelf
wolf at one.net
- [ANNOUNCE] PyX10 4.0.1 - Python Home Automation
kain at cableadmin.com
- Reloading modules
- verifying date values
- http redirect line in Python dynamic html script.?
- TCP/IP ports and RPC in python
Douglas Taylor
- Emacs indentation coloring
Amit Patel
- ANN: cgi-buffer 0.1
Mark Nottingham
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 26th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- determining an assigned IP address
Donn Cave
- Control cmp used with 'in'?
Stephen Hansen
- String wrapper?
Thomas Wouters
- How to change class instances behavior via reload?
Laurent Szyster
- Can anyone solve this?
Cezar Ionescu
- ppp-script
Philippe Possemiers
- Tkinter cannot find tcl.init
Matti Juhani Heinonen
- tkinter font selector?
Richard Chamberlain
- SuSE Linux, python and setgid
Thomas Wouters
- Differentiating between WinNT and Win32
Jerome Chan
- Driving Excel from Python
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Shoud I use Java or Python?
Davide Del Vento
- Encryption modules
David Currie
- chroot'ed demon process
Johannes Stezenbach
- Using MimeWriter
Morten W. Petersen
- nevermind
Michal Wallace
- Class instances
richard_chamberlain at my-deja.com
- smtplib
Grant Edwards
- SMTP with Python 1.6
Grant Edwards
- float safety clarification
John W. Baxter
- Pickle Question
Oleg Broytmann
- Array Memory Allocation Size
Paul F. Dubois
- socket-module
- Python on FreeBSD
Sean Blakey
- trouble with tkinter, with source
walter hanagriff
- working on files as a different user and group
Lee Joramo
- Vault of Parnassus
TJ Judson
- Tkinter: problems running as a script.
Aaron Ginn
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 26)
Andrew M. Kuchling
- OT ? : Icon collection
Bill Scherer
- Final garbage collection?
Will Ware
- reload()'ing modules and how it affects references
Igor V. Rafienko
- JPython Threading module fully free-threaded???
tiddlerdeja at my-deja.com
- Script which only runs in Windows
al at servana.com
- Government Python application on the internet
Mike Callahan
- Palm & Python
- erk, Bug? ( long post )
Sean Blakey
- client side cookie with httplib
Feng Tian
- Python for Palm ?
Andrew Diller
- stopping threads
Aahz Maruch
- - Learn how to SPEED UP your INTERNET connection by 70-100% for FREE!
qfcqor at speedyinternet.com
- Controlling Acrobat Reader with COM
Andres Corrada-Emmanuel
- The automagic of Tkinter
Fiona Czuczman
- zope, python vs apache, perl
pehr anderson
- PicklingError on DateTime objects
- Now for the flames...
Darrell Gallion
- Getting double* from NumPy array?
Thomas Wouters
- Garbage collection versus reference counting
Martin von Loewis
- Is this safe? (Making string comparisons ignore case)
Martin von Loewis
- Improving cStringIO API (Request For Comments)
Just van Rossum
- Pick or Universe Module
Paul Boddie
- OO Approach to file parsing with Python?
Frank V. Castellucci
- profiler -- numeric overflow?
Thomas Wouters
- Lista de correo sobre Python
andres at corrada.com
- learning-python question
jeremylynch at my-deja.com
- Compiling options for python
Riku Voipio
- Speed with Python
François Pinard
- Books
- multiple replacements
siva1311 at my-deja.com
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 27th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- threading module
Aahz Maruch
- Comments: full-text indexing of RDBMS
Aahz Maruch
- Multithreading Embedded C/Python : Giving each thread its own sys.stdout
Warren Postma
- Python Article Announcement
Clyde Zellers
- Algoritm that'll find usable account names
Morten W. Petersen
- problem with accessing methods?
Remco Gerlich
- ActiveX scripting and Python
Harry Reed
- Threading + embedding = System Dump.
- [ANNOUNCE] zxJDBC 1.2.1 - Database Connectivity in JPython
brian zimmer
- Passing variables between scripts
Bjorn Pettersen
- Problems Compiling MySQLmodule.c
holger at fuessler-net.de
- How do you copy a Dictionary object from C code?
Warren Postma
- Py_CompileString("lambda x : x == 2", ...) aborts
Mike Romberg
- e-mail problem
Timothy Allen
- C++ style const's & types in Python
Aahz Maruch
- Excel Currency problems
v2ng at my-deja.com
- PythonWin:: Restart of Interactive Window??
Peter Arwanitis
- unexpected behaviour in class variables
Gordon McMillan
- Darwin (Not Python, yet...)
Andrew Kuchling
- Tutorials at IPC9
Aahz Maruch
- BXXP - Blocks eXtensible eXchange Protocol
Alexander Gavrilov
- compilation
David Bolen
- Python COM for Linux?
Greg Green
- Shutting down internet connection
Mark Hammond
- Using zipfile.py
- Guesstimate for 1.6 beta timeline?
Matthew Cline
- Need help: Python and Oracle on Linux x86
pehr anderson
- Microsoft's C# (Sharp) & .NET -- A Heads Up
- Help with launching acrobat
Hirsch, John
- float literal too large
Tim Peters
- Python with braces.
Michael Drumheller
- JPython and Java integration
Paul Hill
- jpython casting to abstract java class
Christian Lemer
- XML-code examples - mini-review of Python XML
Thomas Weholt
- Complex datastructures in Python
David N. Welton
- [FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 28th, 2000
Fiona Czuczman
- SystemError: bad argument to internal function
Fred Gansevles
- Requiring a certain version of interpreter?
Remco Gerlich
- "No module named _locale" (1.5.2 w/ RH 6.2)
Juanjo Álvarez
- buildtime flags
daniel.lundqvist at vogon.se
- Extending python
Gordon McMillan
- Python Thread safety
denalione at my-deja.com
- Problem with os module
Aline Dumay
- Are you searching for a merchant's account?
Erik Enge
- Ptyhon Thread Safety
Aahz Maruch
- more python evangelising...
Bill de hÓra
- PythonQt Binding Is is available?
Markus Meng
- Darwin (Not Python, yet...) [OT]
Steven D. Majewski
- Q: memory ownership in python extensions
Frank Stajano
- Portal-like page using ZOPE
Kaimar Karu
- Tkinter widgets problem
Elliot Smith
- what is lambda?
Warren Postma
- Pickle for C++?
Warren Postma
- Python design philosophy
Steve Juranich
- list.pop([i]) and list.remove(x) w/ for loops
David White
- entry widget and rotor module
kpmurphy at my-deja.com
- long lines, long string
John W. Baxter
- "+" does not match?
Thomas Thiele
- debugger (pdb)
sameerc1 at my-deja.com
- win32print - adding some APIs?
Alan Miller
- postgreSQL successes
Erno Kuusela
- Why won't exec accept this?
- pdb causes seg. fault
Curtis Jensen
- win32ras.pyd import fails
David Moore
- <option> in xml.dom.HtmlBuilder
Adam Clark
- file/re search and sub problem
Darrell Gallion
- native Python text editor with Hebrew support?
Neil Hodgson
- ?Does Python have sorting via "Dictionary Order"?
Bjorn Pettersen
- float, '%.2f' help... please!
Greg Ewing
- books????
- dl module on redhat
Chris Giard
- Bindings for game library
Kirill Simonov
- Module Name Problem
Stephen Hansen
- [Tkinter] Centering a window in the screen ?
Richard Chamberlain
- Shoud I use Java or Python?&References=<ya0d7l4uu6a.fsf at trymheim.ifi.uio.no>
Davide Del Vento
- informixdb
Ruediger Soerensen
Matthias Huening
- Hi, my name is not Mrs so-called Gumblenose
- (Serious?) package namespace problem (and a proposal)
Bernhard Herzog
- Tutorials
Alan Gauld
- Deleting mails with imapib
Morten W. Petersen
- accessing SQL Server from HP UX
j vickroy
- Mapping a network drive
Fred Gansevles
- PhotoImage example?
kpmurphy at my-deja.com
- exiting threads
Aahz Maruch
- Newbie making noises (play xxxHz tone on Win32?)
Tim Hamza
- ANN: a better getopt.py
Frank Stajano
- PyType_Type?
William Dandreta
- Bug in PythonWin??
David Currie
- traceback string
Jürgen Hermann
- Text in Tables
Bill Scherer
- pythonservice on NT
Gordon McMillan
- Problem with redirection, buffering and chaining scripts.
Thaddeus L. Olczyk
- ExitWindowsEx()
npnigro at my-deja.com
- Controlling an external program with Python
Donn Cave
- stderr and stdout
- bbox?
Keith Murphy
- Constants and Enums
Rainer Deyke
- Aspect-oriented Python?
Cees de Groot
- writing in gif format
Keith Murphy
- events are slow!
Keith Murphy
- simple question ... exec in W32?
Lyle Johnson
- MD5 - Passwords with python
holger at fuessler-net.de
- running a python function from c
rdejuana at my-deja.com
- newbie questions about imports, threads, and optimizations
John Nielsen
- Questions about Installer/Builder/Standalone
Gordon McMillan
- tracing a variable
Bob van der Poel
- Book for sale - Programming Python w/CD $30.00 + Shipping
Scott Chapman
- How to concatenate external files ..?
David Goodger
- Which member is it?
David Goodger
- Object-oriented programming applied to Web Sites
Nicolas Marchildon
- command-line history in win
Alexander K
- Detecting Window Resizing
Oleg Broytmann
- RC4.py?
Kalle Svensson
- Are tk derived objects ever destroyed?
Jerome Quelin
- ANNOUNCE: Distutils 0.9
Roland Mas
- Passing variable-length keyworded arguments list to base class constructor?
Alex Martelli
- Class design: accessing "private" members
Jerome Quelin
- Following a file, or cloning tail
Gordon McMillan
- Python COM Server Type Library
Charles Medcoff
- Is this a leaker?
- MimeWriter (how to use/find boundaries)
Grant Edwards
- Uploading files through HTML
Chris Biegay
- Example how to use cgihttpserver
Peter Mueller
- Problem with sys.exit()
Steven M. Castellotti
- Tk_FindPhoto...
Christian Schneider
- Embeded in GUI,Python output ?
heath7952 at my-deja.com
- Uploading binary files
Chris Biegay
- Job Opportunity
Roger Burnham
- Tkinter focus problem
John Grayson
- [JOB HUNT] Searching for a python programming position
Luis Cortes
- Shop at this TOY STORE without embarrassment !!
przycv at adult_toys.com
- Web server executing Python scripts
Pieter Claerhout
- Python MP3 Player
Steven D. Arnold
- Bug in math.frexp?
Kirill Simonov
- Reference Counting Woes in Python 1.5.2! Help!
Warren Postma
- reportlab: HTML->PDF via Python?
Ian Oeschger
- [Tkinter] Entry widget and textvariable option?
Jerome Quelin
- Python with cdaudio on Solaris 7/X86
Ben Taylor
- Test results of linuxaudiodev.c
Michael Hudson
- New: Easier URL for Numerical and other Python-related sites
Paul F. Dubois
- [Tkinter]: Where is a good place to learn how to use this...?
Dave Williams
- OmPyUnit -- A python unit test framework.
Robert C. Martin
- Problem with execv
Michael Hudson
- PowerPoint slide presentation (Math + Python)
Kirby Urner
- backslash in regular expression problem
Michael Hudson
- UserDict and UserList issue (bug?_
Thomas Wouters
- Subscribe
Sridhar Bidigalu
- Communicating between two computers
David Bolen
- ?Combination of a Dictionary and a List?
David Goodger
- how to make popen secure?
Sam Wun
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 23:24:33 EDT 2000
Archived on: Sun Oct 27 13:48:34 EDT 2019
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