8 queen/game of life

Frank Niessink frankn=nuws at cs.vu.nl
Fri Jun 16 10:22:51 EDT 2000

root <root at sirius.ftsm.ukm.my> wrote:
> newbie question.

> 2. 8 non-attacking queen.

>    use backtracking. the function call itself back. how to do recursive call
>    in python? 

I used a Board class that can solve itself. The board keeps track of 
where the queens are.

class Board:
        """ Class implementing a chess board. """
        def __init__(self, size=8, display=None):
                self.size = size
                # board
                self.board = [0]*size*size
                # where are the queens
                self.queens = []
                # display is a class which supports putQueen, removeQueen
                # and a solved method
                self.display = display


        def solve(self,col=0):
                if col >= self.size:
                        if self.display:
                for row in range(self.size):
                        if not self.putQueen(col, row):
                        self.removeQueen(col, row)

Board.putQueen returns true if it can place a queen in the given
position, false otherwise.

If you want, I can mail you the complete program.

Cheers, Frank

"Hey, Marvin," said Zaphod striding over towards to him, "Hey, kid, are we 
pleased to see you." Marvin turned, and in so far as it is possible for a
totally inert metal face to look reproachfully, this is what it did. 
"No you're not," he said, "no one ever is."
	-- Douglas Adams, 'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe'

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