Kjbuckets-Module, Python 1.6 and NT

James C. Ahlstrom jim at interet.com
Tue Jun 20 09:16:02 EDT 2000

Thomas Freytag wrote:
> Dear all,
> we have severe trouble getting the kjbuckets-module running with Python
> 1.6 and Windows NT. We have tried the following so far:
> 1)Compile the kjbucketsmodule.c as a dll. Fails and produces some
> "Initialiser is not a constant" error, whatever...

Use the compiler switch to compile as a C++ module.  Be sure to
declare initkjbuckets() as an exported symbol with declspec().

> 2)Re-compile the Python interpreter using Visula C++ 6.0 and adding
> kjbucketsmodule.c to the files to be considered in the project. Plus we
> edited the "setup.in" in the Modules directory.  C++ claims to copile
> "kjbucketsmodule.c", however, when we try  "import kjbuckets" with the
> freshly compiled interpreter the answer is "No module....".

This only works on Unix.  You must edit ./PC/config.c by hand to
add the module.  This is the easiest solution.

Jim Ahlstrom

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