Tkintr: how to seize focus in a transient?

Rob Hooft rob at
Wed Jun 14 01:49:06 EDT 2000

>>>>> "GE" == Grant Edwards <nobody at nowhere.nohow> writes:

 >> In a transient dialog window, how do I disable focus for the rest
 >> of the app?  I only want to prevent focus for the rest of the app,
 >> not the whole X11 system.

 GE> I found it. In case anybody else is wondering, you call the
 GE> grab_set() method of the transient window.

grab_set might fail during certain operations of the window manager.
In such a case you'll need to retry.

Hint: use Pmw, it handles all kinds of niceties like this for you.


Rob Hooft
=====   rob at  =====
=====   R&D, Nonius BV, Delft             =====
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