Palm Python?

Jeff Collins collins at
Sat Jun 3 13:36:41 EDT 2000

I'm currently porting a 1.5.2+ (soon to be 1.6) to the Palm.
Hopefully, I'll be making an announcement soon.

Cees de Groot writes:
 > Sorry if this is a FAQ - I haven't been following this group for a while,
 > at least not as closely as I'd like. But rumors are that a Palm version
 > of Python is pending, and as I'm looking for a language to do little Palm
 > experiments with, I am just curious to know whether this is true.
 > The reason I'm asking is that I want to see how Palms can integrate with
 > Jini networks. The KVM is neat, but far from anything you would call a 
 > good environment for Palm apps (the showstopper being that you cannot switch
 > to and from KVM applications - they always re-initialize), and I rather 
 > invest my time in something that I may use for production later on. I
 > don't like (Pocket)C, so it's either Java or Python for me...

The Python VM is contained within a single GLib shared library.  Palm
apps are built using a freeze-like mechanism; a small wrapper
application loads and initializes the interpreter and the main python
module (stored as an application resource) is executed.

I'm unfamiliar with Jini and KVM - is a KVM application seperate from
a palm application?  Perhaps you could provide a few more details


 > -- 
 > Cees de Groot          <cg at>
 > GnuPG 1024D/E0989E8B 0016 F679 F38D 5946 4ECD  1986 F303 937F E098 9E8B
 > Forge your CipherSaber and list it:
 > -- 

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