Tagging engines like PyFontify for other languages?

Dinu C. Gherman gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de
Thu Mar 16 05:01:37 EST 2000


I'm wondering if there are any Python tagging engines like 
Just van Rossum's PyFontify for languages other than Python?

That is, I'm looking for a Python module that is able to scan 
source code in, say, C, C++, Java, Perl or SQL (DDL/DML) and 
return a list of tags and positions in some way similar to 
what PyFontify is doing for Python.

Thank you in advance for any hints!



Dinu C. Gherman
"The thing about Linux or open software in general is that 
it actually tries to move software from being witchcraft to 
being a science," [...] "A lot of the programs you see today 
are actually put together by shamans, and you just take it and 
if the computer crashes you walk around it three times... and 
maybe it's OK." (Linus Thorvalds, LinuxWorld 2000, NYC)

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