Determining Ethernet HW Address

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Wed Mar 29 11:39:10 EST 2000

In article <025f01bf9971$ffa1a100$01ffffc0 at>, Emile van Sebille wrote:

>The MAC ID has been used for licensing as a form of cross
>platform GUID.  Other applications that require a similar
>unique identifier would probably use it as well.

So if my Ethernet board dies and has to be replaced, my
applications refuse to run?  That sure sucks rocks. 

I'm still pissed off at Applix from the time their office suite
refused to run after I replaced my machine with a newer,
faster, better model.  Applix refused to help unless I paid for
two years of support.

I'd probably be using Applix today instead of Word Perfect and
StarOffice if it wasn't for that whole node-locked licensing

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  FUN is never having
                                  at               to say you're SUSHI!!

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