Oleg Broytmann's software page

Oleg Broytmann phd at phd.russ.ru
Wed Mar 22 07:12:03 EST 2000


   My Software page got major facelift!

Master site:


    I am publishing here Python-related software; mostly written by me. Unless
otherwise noted, all software is free for any use. Please, provide a reference
to my name; don't blame me for anything. Copyrighted by Oleg Broytmann and
PhiloSoft Design.
    Some pieces of software are not so free - they are protected by GNU GPL.


|m_Lib - BroytMann's extensions for Python Library                            |
|                                                                             |
|Download: m_lib.tgz                   |m_shutil.py                           |
|Requires: nothing                     |    Few utilities useful in shell-like|
|Recommends: nothing                   |    scripts - in addition to standard |
|Suggests: nothing                     |    module shutil.                    |
|                                      |flog.py                               |
|Inside the archive:                   |    Logging   to   file   with  custom|
|strptime.py                           |    logging formats.                  |
|    (Note: this is not my module. I've|www_util.py                           |
|    downloaded it from the Net). This |    Additional WWW-oriented functions |
|    is  rather  old  module  that come|    that   needs  to  be  in  standard|
|    before time.strptime() appeared in|    module   cgi   but  missing.  Also|
|    standard Python library (1.5.2). I|    HTMLParser - a base class for all |
|    extended   it   a  bit  and  added|    my HTML parsers.                  |
|    Russian  names  for  days, months,|md5wrapper.py                         |
|    etc (both koi8-r and windows-1251 |    Small  but  convenient wrapper for|
|    encodings).                       |    md5 builtin module.               |
|opstring.py                           |mcrypt.py                             |
|    Some  additional  string handling/|    Defines a function gen_salt() for |
|    formatting functions.             |    builtin module crypt.             |
|opdate.py                             |mkclock.py, tstclock.py               |
|    Date/time manipulation functions. |    mkclock.py  will  test your system|
|    Not    as    object-oriented    as|    and  generate  a  module clock.py,|
|    mxDateTime, but stll convenient,  |    which provides the only function, |
|    powerful and useful.              |    clock(),  similar  to time.clock()|
|    In this module Date is a number of|    but its values always started with|
|    days since 1/1/1600 (up to 31 Dec |    0.  On  some  systems time.clock()|
|    3999).  I  am  not  sure about how|    returns current time, so you need |
|    easy  it  might  be  to extend the|    to   remember  when  the  programs|
|    modules beyond these bounds. Time |    began  and  extract the value from|
|    is just a number of seconds since |    current time(). clock() does this |
|    midnight.  User  can  add/subtract|    for you automatically! tstclock.py|
|    dates  and  times, calculate diffs|    just test the generated module.   |
|    ("how many days, months and years |tty_menu.py                           |
|    passed since 21 Dec 1967?") and so|    Simple tty menu.                  |
|    on.  DateTime  <==>  UTC  (GMT)   |                                      |
|    conversion routines provided, too.|                                      |
|    This  module  required strptime.py|                                      |
|    for Russian month names.          |                                      |
|                                      |                                      |

|mCorrect - Some patches I made for standard library. Now mostly obsolete.    |
|Detalied description available.                                              |
|Download: mcorrect.tgz                |os.py, os.diff                        |
|Requires: nothing                     |    DJGPP-related patches.            |
|Recommends: nothing                   |dospopen.py                           |
|Suggests: nothing                     |    Low-level    classes    to    help|
|                                      |    implement DOS version of popen(). |
|Inside the archive:                   |    Actual implementation is in os.py.|
|tempfile.py, tempfile.diff            |                                      |
|    DOS-related patches.              |                                      |
|                                      |                                      |

|FLAD - Flat ASCII Database and configuration files modules. Detalied         |
|description available.                                                       |
|Download: flad.tgz                    |lib/fladc.py                          |
|Requires: nothing                     |    Using     FLAD     to    store/use|
|Recommends: nothing                   |    configuration files.              |
|Suggests: pbar (for progress bars in  |lib/fladw.py                          |
|examples)                             |    Using     FLAD     to    store/use|
|                                      |    WINI.INI-like configuration files.|
|Inside the archive:                   |test/test*.py                         |
|lib/flad.py                           |    Test programs and examples.       |
|    Root   class.  Simple  Flat  ASCII|test/test.txt, test/comment.txt, test/|
|    Database loading/storing.         |    test.cfg                          |
|lib/fladm.py                          |    Test files.                       |
|    FLAD  with  "must-keys".  You  can|                                      |
|    define a set of keys that must be |                                      |
|    presented    in    every   record.|                                      |
|    Moreover  you  can  define  "other|                                      |
|    keys"  that  do not required to be|                                      |
|    in every record.                  |                                      |
|                                      |                                      |

|pbar - TTY progress bar.                                                     |
|Download: pbar.tgz                    |Inside the archive:                   |
|Requires: nothing                     |lib/tty_pbar.py                       |
|Recommends: nothing                   |    Simple  tty/console  progress bar.|
|Suggests: nothing                     |    Works      on     DOS/Windows/UNIX|
|                                      |    consoles.                         |
|                                      |test/*.py                             |
|                                      |    Test programs and examples.       |
|                                      |                                      |


|Bookmarks database and Internet robot - a set of programs I use to manipulate|
|my bookmarks. Detalied description available.                                |
|License: GPL                          |check_db.py                           |
|Download: bookmarks_db.tgz            |    Check database for inconsistences.|
|Requires: m_Lib, flad                 |chk_urls.py                           |
|Recommends: pbar                      |    The  first,  very  old  version of|
|Suggests: nothing                     |    robot.                            |
|                                      |check_urls2.py                        |
|Inside the archive:                   |    Newer version of robot, forking.  |
|bkmk_parser.py                        |check_url_sub.py                      |
|    HTML  parser  class  and  database|    Second    part   of   the   robot,|
|    classes.                          |    subprocess.                       |
|bkmk2db.py                            |koi2win.db                            |
|    The     program     to     convert|    FLADatabase  for  db2bkmk  - rules|
|    bookmarks.html to a database.     |    for   converting   some   koi8  to|
|db2bkmk.py                            |    win-1251 sites (URLs).            |
|    The program to convert a database |                                      |
|    back to bookmarks.html.           |                                      |
|                                      |                                      |
|This  is  old  project - I have been developing it since 1997. It seems a bit|
|outdated  now,  and I am working hard to rewrite it completely. The status of|
|the  rewrite  is:  new  parser  is Ok, new mechanism for pluggable databases,|
|writers  and  robots  is Ok; there are pickle and FLADold DB plugins, TXT and|
|HTML writers, but still no robots. Work in progress.                         |

|Netscape  history  dump/reload - a set of programs I use to manipulate       |
|browser's history.                                                           |
|Download: netscape_history.tgz        |Inside the archive:                   |
|Requires: Berkeley DB 1.85 and builtin|ns-hist-dump.py                       |
|module bsddb                          |    The  program  to dump history file|
|Recommends: nothing                   |    to a text file. The program is not|
|Suggests: nothing                     |    mine   -   I  found  it  searching|
|                                      |    DejaNews. Author: Hannu Krosing.  |
|                                      |ns-hist-load.py                       |
|                                      |    This    is    the    opposite   to|
|                                      |    ns-hist-dump  -  it loads the text|
|                                      |    file   back  to  netscape  history|
|                                      |    file.                             |
|                                      |                                      |

|Extract MIME - template programs that show how to write tools to extract MIME|
|attachements from incoming mail messages. Detalied description available.    |
|Download: extract_mime.tgz            |Inside the archive:                   |
|Requires: nothing                     |extract_mime.py                       |
|Recommends: nothing                   |    The template program.             |
|Suggests: nothing                     |extract_mime                          |
|                                      |    Shell      wrapper      to     use|
|                                      |    extract_mime.py from /etc/aliases |
|                                      |    or such.                          |
|                                      |                                      |

|bdftogd.py and mk_gdfonts - programs to convert BDF (XWindows) fonts to GD   |
|format.                                                                      |
|Download: bdftogd.py and mk_gdfonts   |Description:                          |
|Requires: m_Lib                       |bdftogd.py                            |
|Recommends: pbar                      |    Program to convert BDF (XWindows) |
|Suggests: nothing                     |    fonts to GD format. Tested with gd|
|                                      |    1.2.                              |
|                                      |mk_gdfonts                            |
|                                      |    Shell  script  to  generate all gd|
|                                      |    fonts in once.                    |
|                                      |                                      |


|rgb - an example of how to use PyGreSQL (PostgreSQL<=>Python interface)      |
|License: GPL                          |Inside the archive:                   |
|Download: rgz.tgz                     |rgb_connect.py                        |
|Requires: PyGreSQL, running PostgreSQL|    Module   that   hides   connection|
|, running WWW server                  |    details;  later  if you want move/|
|Recommends: rgb.txt from X11          |    rename your database or programs, |
|Suggests: nothing                     |    or change user/password, you just |
|                                      |    need to edit one file.            |
|I have running RGB demo.              |init_rgb.py                           |
|                                      |    Program that parses rgb.txt (from |
|                                      |    X11,  not  included  here) and put|
|                                      |    table of colors into rgb database.|
|                                      |    The  datasbe  must  exists, so run|
|                                      |    "createdb rgb" before init_rgb.py.|
|                                      |check_255.py                          |
|                                      |    Very  simple  program  that checks|
|                                      |    whether   color  parts  are  (not)|
|                                      |    exceede 255.                      |
|                                      |init_rgb_checked.py                   |
|                                      |    The  same  as  init_rgb.py, but it|
|                                      |    combined with check_255.py.       |
|                                      |rgb.cgi                               |
|                                      |    CGI script that draws colors from |
|                                      |    rgb  database  and  generates HTML|
|                                      |    table full of colors. The program |
|                                      |    wants   one   parameter  "cube=N",|
|                                      |    where  N  is  integer 1..8 - these|
|                                      |    are  just  8 subcubes of big color|
|                                      |    cube.                             |
|                                      |                                      |

    Oleg Broytmann    http://members.xoom.com/phd2.1/    phd2 at earthling.net
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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