Loop performance disappearance

Alan Daniels daniels at mindspring.com
Wed Mar 15 21:10:13 EST 2000

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:19:22 -0500, the infinitely wise Tim Peters
(tim_one at email.msn.com) spoke forth to us, saying...

If you'll forgive me Tim, could I paraphrase that in Mastercard style?

>Total number of lines of Python compiler code devoted to optimization:  a
>couple dozen.

>Total number of hours Python users have spent tracking down Python compiler
>optimization bugs: zero.

>Total number of hours Python users have spent tracking down optimization
>bugs in the C compilers they use to compile Python: In the thousands.

Enjoyment from writing in Python: Priceless.

(A-lame-joke-that-I-couldn't-resist'ly yours, Alan.)

Alan Daniels
daniels at mindspring.com
daniels at cc.gatech.edu

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