Damnation! (was: Re: Python3k extended grammar)

Courageous jkraska1 at san.rr.com
Mon May 22 02:39:34 EDT 2000

> Incidentally, let me remark as a Python newbie on a pleasant surprise.
> I saw a notice in a bar once: "No talk of religion or politics" - it
> should have said "religion, politics or programming languages" - this is
> the sort of discussion that in most language newsgroups would have the
> participants casting aspersions on each others' ancestry in 20 messages
> and invoking Godwin's law in 40.  I'm quite astonished at the quality
> and civility of comp.lang.python.

Yah. It's my guess that the royally uptight and narrowminded
aren't the type of people who adventure into new programming
languages, often just for fun.


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