Floating point (in)accuracy?

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 25 12:59:42 EDT 2001

"Dinu Gherman" <dinu at reportlab.com> wrote in message
news:3ae6eb73.802364759 at news.vr.in-berlin.de...
> Apparently the python mailiing lists on python.org are blocked, so let
> me ask here. Is there any good reason for the following behaviour to
> be different on Python 1.5.2 and 2.0?
>   >>> 3.14
>   3.14
>   >>> 3.14
>   3.1400000000000001

Yes: repr(x) where x is a float used to HIDE some digits (trying to
provide a 'prettier' look), but that violates the mission of repr, which
is to give you as much info as it can.  Now, repr(x) "tells the truth";
use str(x) to get prettier (false:-) output.  The interpreter uses repr.

You can change that in Python 2.1, by setting sys.displayhook to
your favourite "display this result to sys.stdout" function, but that
was not in 2.0 yet.


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