Komodo in violation of Mozilla Public License?

David Ascher DavidA at ActiveState.com
Wed Apr 11 13:01:06 EDT 2001

Mark Hammond wrote:
> dsavitsk wrote:
> > As a side note, I'd like to raise the issue as to how much ActiveState feels
> > this is the correct business model for them.
> I can't speak for ActiveState, but do feel confident enough to state
> that they believe charging for some things is a reasonable business model.
> > Can we expect PythonWin or some
> > other currently free (as in beer here) software to include a price in the
> > future?
> > Especially if ActiveState comes to be in charge of the Win32
> > distribution of Python, what is their incentive to keep giving?
> ActiveState will never be "in charge" of the Win32 distribution for
> Python.  They will never be "in charge" of the source code to the Win32
> extensions.
> Anyone is free to take these extensions and release them any way they
> like.  Anyone is free to take the Wise installers used by Tim/Guido et
> al for core Python, and my Wise installer for win32all and create their
> own distribution.
> Heck, anyone is free to make contributions back to all this wonderful
> open source code they are using.  Unfortunately that happens pretty
> rarely (but thanks to those people who do).
> Mark.

To follow up on Mark's post:

ActiveState does not own the copyright or any IP rights related to
Python, Pythonwin, the win32 extensions, or any thing we didn't author. 
The PSF owns (or will shortly own) these rights!

--david ascher

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