other python ideas

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 9 11:05:14 EDT 2001

"Steve Purcell" <stephen_purcell at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.986820492.2595.python-list at python.org...
> In my experience, extra language features tend to mean extra magic, and

Hear, hear!

> usually too dumb to understand all that voodoo stuff. That's why I ended
> using Python more than any other language...

While, as for me, I'm often too clever for my own good -- so, I have
to _achieve_ simplicity (rather than being born to it, or having it
thrust upon me), but that doesn't mean it's any less important to me
(indeed, _knowing_ that I _will_ get tangled up into convoluted
spirals of 'beautiful' complexity unless I watch myself carefully
is a strong motivation to STRIVE for simplicity at each step!-).

> Steve Purcell, Pythangelist

_Neat_!!!  Looks like you're not as dumb as you make out, o
messenger of the primal serpent (or you wouldn't be punning
between hellenistic and pre-classical Greek, methinks...:-).
Us pythmen sure seem to come to simplicity by tortuous ways...


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