Python Poll

Emmanuel Jeandel jeandel at
Wed Aug 1 13:28:00 EDT 2001

Hi there !

I wonder whether s.o has some statistics about : What is python used for

I would suggest :

i. Scripts (Bash-like)

ii. Web (CGI Scripts/ Zope)

iii. Teaching

iv. Numerics

v. Small apps

vi. Bigger ones

I think some statistics could be useful to see where the interest is,
who are your users, what they're interested in (the discussion about PEP
238 seems to me as there are many people that use python for numerics;
if the majority use python for choices i/, ii/, iii/, and even v/ and
vi/, i think this proposal would certainly have been rejected). Can s.o
do some statistics ? (a poll in could be a great idea)


35 4 / p

         Objective Caml version 3.01
# 35 / 4;;
- : int = 8
# ^D

Python 1.5.2 (...)
>>> 35 / 4
>>> ^D

Where is the problem ?
(Ok, it's just for fun, i know where the problem is...)

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