mod_python vs mod_snake

Xavier Defrang xavier at
Wed Dec 12 05:28:10 EST 2001


I've got a Python CGI performing XSLT transforms and I experience really
poor performance because it has to import plenty of modules.

I was then thinking using an interpreter embedded within Apache 1.3. I
want to rely at least on a minimal application framework so I don't feel
like using pcgi.

Now the question is should I use mod_python or mod_snake?  Both have pros
and cons... mod_python looks more mature, more documented and has a
much simpler architecture than mod_snake.

What I need here is a simple persistent Python environment to run a few
rather simple scripts, I was likely to use mod_python with its standard
publish handler but I noticed that I had to rebuild the interpreter
without thread support...

And what about the security of these modules?  I already googled to look
out for vulnerabilities involving mod_(python|snake) and I havn't found
anything... I'd be glad to hear any good/bad experience in this field



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