Authentication, urllib, and httplib...

Vincent A. Primavera vincent_a_primavera at
Fri Dec 28 10:18:34 EST 2001

	Trying to write a program to pull several Excel format reports off of a
website which we at my company are spending alot of time on doing
manually once a week.  The page has a form with several fields to be
filled in before submitting.  Here's the problem, I can access the page
with urllib's urlopen() but not with httplib's HTTPConnection.request()
as I am getting a 401 Authorization Required error.  How can I be
prompted for the user and password info as I am with urlopen()?  Or
better yet pass these parameters?

	Thanks in advance,
	Vincent A. Primavera

P.S.	I have all of the necessary field names with exception to the
username and password...

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