ANN: ciphon 0.3.4

Suchandra Thapa ssthapa at
Wed Dec 19 16:37:24 EST 2001

Skip Montanaro <skip at> wrote:
>I tried creating an empty installed.xml file, but that just moved the error
>further up the food chain.  I suspect ciphon ought to handle creation of
>this file itself.

    As a quick file you can put this into installed.xml in ~/.ciphon/:


    This should let ciphon download and install packages.  The bug itself
will be fixed  in the next release.

Suchandra Thapa                       | "There are only two kinds of math . 
s-thapa-11 at  | books. Those you cannot read beyond 
			              | the first sentence, and those you 
			              | can not read beyond the first page."
			              |                     -C.N. Yang

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