Time for a Fresh Scheme Standard: Say Goodbye to the RnRS Relic

MJ Ray markj+0111 at cloaked.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Dec 22 20:16:59 EST 2001

New Scheme <newscheme at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>  So who the fuck are you, Mr. Hotmail.com?
>Your extreme pathologic response clearly demonstrates the problem with
>the small, fundamentalist group of scheme "defenders of the faith"
>that are being left further and further behind as the world moves

Nice failure to answer the question, Mr Hotmail.  In case you haven't
noticed while you've been constructing yet another alias, work to update
Scheme in many aspects continues apace.  

As my experience should show, the Scheme community is very welcoming to
newcomers and it is possible to use Scheme for modern applications.  If you
don't want to help it, that's your problem.  It is small, clean and, yes,
relevant to today's work.

You are just a common troll and I'm sorry I replied, but some things
couldn't be left unsaid.  Goodbye.

Follow-ups set.

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