Three misc questions

Steven Majewski sdm7g at Virginia.EDU
Tue Dec 25 17:04:31 EST 2001

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001, Stefan Werner wrote:

> 1. Is there a possibility to read PICT files with Python 1.5.2 on MacOS
> 9? PIL unfortunately cannot open them.

On the Mac, you can use the QuickDraw procedures Qd.GetPicture and
Qd.DrawPicture. Take a look at PICTbrowse in the MacPython Demo directory.

> 2. Is there a way for IPC between two Python environments? E.g. Blender
> and Poser have both a Python scripting engine, and I'd like to
> experiment and link them both together. Is there a way I can send
> messages or other data packages between both environments besides using
> shared files?

There are a bunch of varieties of IPC available. If it's on the Mac,
using AppleEvents may be the best choice. I have sometimes had
problems using IP socket communication on Mac OS9 and earlier
when both processes are on the same machine. ( OSX with it's unix
kernel doesn't show the same problems, although I think they can
be reproduced if both programs are running in the "classic" box.)

> 3. Does anyone know of a library that implements 3D vector math
> algorithms like constructing/deconstructing transformation matrices,
> conversion of quaternions/matrices/euler angles, coordinate space
> conversion, etc? Would be great if it worked with Python 1.5.2, so I
> could use it without modificaion with Poser.

OpenGL would probably do it, but although the libraries are included
on the Mac, I don't believe the GL module has been ported to Mac, and
there may be some X dependencies in the SGI/unix GL module.

-- Steve Majewski

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