Preserving program structure

Charles Hixson charlesh at
Fri Dec 14 12:56:19 EST 2001

I always use only tabs (and I use editors that let me specify 
the size of a tab to be 3).  Idle has lots of nice features, but 
I find that it doesn't work for me for serious development.  On 
Windows I prefer GWD edit.  On Linux ... currently I use NEdit, 
but I'd really prefer something that had a project file. 
Glimmer looked promissing, but ... (I can't remember why I 
dropped it, I think that it interpreted tabs in a strange and 
unuseful way).  But project files are really nice.  (Perhaps 
I'll adapt that wxProject tool that IBM contributed via 
Developer Works -> wxPython.  That will create a stand alone 
project file, which would remedy the main problem with NEdit.

A problem that just about everything except SciTE (Scintilla) 
has is that it may color code the program, but it only prints in 
black and white (if it will print at all).  So far I've usually 
dealt with that by loading the program into SciTE when I want to 
print it.  It isn't a bad editor, but it's a bit primitive, and 
there is appearantly no intention to take it any further (it was 
intended as a demo of what one could do with Scintilla, so 
that's fair).  (This may be a Windows only tool.  I don't 
remember.  On Linux I tend to convert the file to an HTML 
representation and print it from a browser.  But I don't 
currently remember just HOW I do that [my Windows machine has a 
much better printer].)

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