Why database modules are incomplete

Dave Cole djc at object-craft.com.au
Wed Jul 11 02:40:28 EDT 2001

>>>>> "Edward" == Edward Wilson <web2ed at yahoo.com> writes:

Edward> Dave: The way I see it, nobody is going to use a module "trial
Edward> and error" in the workplace, especially if they suspect it may
Edward> be incomplete.

If they suspect that it is incomplete - maybe they should spend a few
hours to see if that suspicion is well founded.  In most cases there
are only one or two modules to try.

Edward> They are going to use a proven module, or hack one up in their
Edward> shop's native tounge.

And the one hacked up locally will automatically be better than the
one which already exists which you could not spare the time to

Edward> What would be constructive for Python would be for others to
Edward> donaite ther time to testing your work just as you donante
Edward> your time writing extensions in the first place.  This gets at
Edward> the "Workgroup" mentality/approach I have been talking about.
Edward> In other words, it's not enough for you, working alone to
Edward> produce a great Sybase extension.  Rather, those of us who
Edward> hope to use your module should be willing to help build it,
Edward> lending our time as testers.  My personal feeling is that if
Edward> ten or twenty folks would jump in and help you out, in a year
Edward> (working part-time) Python could have a diamond hardened
Edward> Sybase module.

You are 100% correct here.  If only people were willing to try the
module.  For all I know there are more than 20 people who are using
the module for serious work.  Noone ever tells me, so how can I claim
that I have a proven module?  As I said before - there have been over
180 unique IP addresses which have downloaded the Sybase-0.2x module.

Edward> Python is way cooler than PL/SQL or any other language used
Edward> for writing db apps for that matter.

Which is exactly why I wrote the module - to avoid using ISQL or Perl.

- Dave


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