Is Python Dead?

Resty Cena rcena at
Sat Jul 7 17:17:15 EDT 2001

I'll follow your leads. Thanks again. By the way, someone should
rename this thread "Is Python Dead? Long Live Python!" or some such.

"Steve Holden" <sholden at> wrote in message news:<7sn17.7740$i8.679052 at>...
> "Resty Cena" <rcena at> wrote ...
> > Well thank you for jolting me out of my comfortable position sitting
> > with my hands tucked between my pants and the chair. I donwloaded
> > cx_Oracle and, yes, it's up. Now, would you happen to have, or know
> > of, some materials (sample code, tips, tricks, techniques, tutorials)
> > on getting started on programming *forms* based applications in Oracle
> > and Python? That would be just great.
> >
> Well done! Hope the install went OK ;-). I presume you are talking about
> GUI-based programs using Oracle rather than Oracle Forms stuff?  There is
> some coverage in Hammond & Robinson's Programming Win32 in Python book, for
> a start. Other people speak highly of Grayson's Python and Tkinter
> programming, though it isn't my cup of tea. I'm not currently aware of
> anything drag-and-drop which includes database awareness, but Boa
> Constructor and BlackAdder GUI tools both have theie adherents.
> Since you've taken the effort to get started I am reasonably sure that the
> GUI community will be out in force to help you (right, guys?) -
> you've probably seen the regular threads on "Which GUI is the best" and
> realise there's a choice.
> I am currently working on a simple web-based framework for data editing,
> which I plan to translate to one or other of the available GUIs, but that's
> currently on the horizon. It will be open source when it's finished.
> regards
>  Steve

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