Is Python Dead?
Resty Cena
rcena at
Fri Jul 6 13:59:26 EDT 2001
Well thank you for jolting me out of my comfortable position sitting
with my hands tucked between my pants and the chair. I donwloaded
cx_Oracle and, yes, it's up. Now, would you happen to have, or know
of, some materials (sample code, tips, tricks, techniques, tutorials)
on getting started on programming *forms* based applications in Oracle
and Python? That would be just great.
"Steve Holden" <sholden at> wrote in message news:<TH%07.3499$i8.339613 at>...
> "Resty Cena" <rcena at> wrote in message
> news:458b194a.0107050711.72007607 at
> > "Edward B. Wilson II" <ed at> wrote in message
> news:<MNS%6.355$Xs4.225014 at>...
> > > I have been following Python for five years now, and I am still just as
> > > frustrated with it as I was in 1996.
> > >
> > > Python still doesn't have good database support,
> >
> > I, too, have been following Python since 1996, waiting all the while
> > to make it easy for me to do database programming. What I'd call good
> > database support is where I download a file or set of files into a
> > directory under my Python directory, perhaps run an install program,
> > then start Python, import a package, issue a command to connect to
> > Oracle, and start playing around with the scott/tiger database. I
> > don't want, nor do I have the time, to compile anything, nor muck
> > around with the Windows registry, nor manually set paths -- I just
> > want to try the product, not install it for production use. Ideally,
> > I'd like the IDE to do this for me. I'm a database programmer, and I
> > want to write applications right away. I'm also lazy and I expect much
> > from my tools.
> Of course, one of the reasons why support isn't better is the huge ratio of
> consumers to producers. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but most of the
> best parts of Python have been the results of individuals providing what
> they needed for their own purposes and then opening up the resulting code.
> Continue to sit on your hands by all means. What you need should be along in
> another five years or so. But simply posting to complain that things aren't
> as you want is unlikely to change in the next six months what nothing else
> has changed in the last five years.
> There are lots of people doing much good database work with Python. The
> mxODBC package (free for non-commerical use) and the cx_Oracle package
> (free) do indeed let you do what you describe (i.e. download, unpack, run an
> install script and connect to a database). So I suggest you look a little
> harder and complain a little less. Normally I try to include URLs in
> postings such as this, but you know, somehow I get the impression that
> clicking on a link in a news posting might just be too much trouble ;-)
> Come on in, the water's lovely.
> regards
> Steve
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