Deposing Dictators

Emile van Sebille emile at
Wed Jul 25 13:28:50 EDT 2001

I ordered the Zope book on-line at Barnes & Noble this morning, and when
searching for Python, the first entry displayed is a Perl book!??


Emile van Sebille
emile at

"Kemp Randy-W18971" <Randy.L.Kemp at> wrote in message
news:mailman.996076486.582.python-list at
> I agree that Python is fun and exciting.  In fact, I ran into this guy in
the alley, who sold me a bunch of Python tee shirts, with a picture of a guy
named Larry Wall on them.  Can anyone tell me if these are "official Python
tee shirts?"  I hate to think that I got ripped off.

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