Language change and code breaks

Tim Randolph timothyrandolph at
Sat Jul 21 13:50:03 EDT 2001

"Grant Edwards" <grante at> wrote in message
news:slrn9ljdq4.9ur.grante at

> >Nobody wants to see fOo and FOO and foo with the same meaning, but nobody
> >wants to see foo and FOO and foo at all in the same program with distinct
> >meanings.
> That is simply not true.

Do you really ever want "fOo" and "FOO" and "foo" in the same program?
(Notice the typo in my original? fOo --> foo.  No wonder I want a case
insensitive language. ;-)  I would bet a $100 bucks that you are a better
coder than I am, but I really can't imagine why you would want that.

> >I also don't think the cutesy c=C() makes for readable code -- at
> >least for this sometime programmer.
> I've been using foo and Foo to mean two different things for
> many years (and I know of lots of others do also). Perhaps it's
> not to your taste, but that doesn't make all of us "nobody".
I wasn't trying to lump the foo=Foo() case with the "fOo", "FOO", "foo"
case.  The latter is used as the pat example on what a case insenstive
Python would look like, which is not the way I see it.  I really have not
seen any one suggesting that they use more than a leading character
difference in case intentionally.

foo=Foo() is a matter of taste, which, as I said in my original message,
doesn't work for me.  I have no idea how representative of sometime
programmers I might be.

My apologies for any offense.  None was intended.

---Tim Randolph

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