maths in programming

Des Small des.small at
Wed Jul 25 12:08:39 EDT 2001

"Native_MetaL" <Jasper49 at> writes:

> Hello im new to programming and i have some questions about Maths in
> programming
> 1 what type of Maths is used in programming

Very little, in practice.  The kind of discrete maths taught in
Computer Science courses is not that widely used in practice.  

> 2 how good do you have to be at maths to program
> 3 dose all programing have complex maths
> 4 are all programmers Expert's with maths
> 5 do you need to be an expert with maths to get Employment in
> programming

These are all much the same question.  And the answer is that maths
isn't all that big a deal for most programming.  It probably is true
that programmers are often the same kind of people who like maths, but
not always.

Of course, some programming can be mathematical: some 3D graphics work
(although you would probably have a library to do most of the work), or
solving equations numerically.  But that isn't typical.

> 6 in IT firms are there people that do the maths ......... and others that
> just do the coding <---- the programmers

Not in any company I've ever heard of.  There's sometimes a division
into 'analysts' and 'programmers', but the sort of analysis involved
is more breaking the problem down into suitable pieces, rather than
doing fancy mathematical stuff.

Funnily enough, my job is very like you describe.  But I work in a
University Maths department, and my boss is a Professor.  If you don't
like the subject that's unlikely to happen to you.

> i would really like to learn Programming and one day work as a programmer
> but i dont have maths skills.
> Ide like to get input from anyone that can help or maybe from people that
> have been in my situation
> and have now got Employment as programmers

If you want to learn to program, then learn to program.  Get a book
(preferably on Python, to keep things on topic) and try stuff out.  If
you get stuck ask here, or on the Python tutor list.

does really scary maths in Python.
Dr Des Small, Scientific Programmer,
School of Mathematics, University of Bristol,
Tel: 0117 9287984

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