OO misconceptions // Learning curve geometry/

Tim Hammerquist tim at vegeta.ath.cx
Mon Jul 23 03:46:21 EDT 2001

Me parece que Ville Vainio <vvainio at karhu.tp.spt.fi> dijo:
[ snippage ]
> That is, once you get beyond trivial, you hit the wall, even thougn in
> the beginning things move quite smoothly. In perl trivial things (awk
> stuff) are easy (but not easier than in Python; just requiring a few
> keystrokes less), and difficult things are "possible", but hardly
> worth trying (unless your boss/teacher/whatever forces you).

You and I have had violently different experiences with Perl. OTOH, I'm
glad you have found a language that works better for you than Perl
seemed to. Hell, if there were no beauty, why am I still using it? ;)

Tools, of course, can be the subtlest of traps.
    -- Daniel, The Sandman

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