Informix IDS2000 and Zope/Python/Perl/PHP on Linux

Ruediger Soerensen soerense at
Mon Jul 30 09:17:03 EDT 2001

Thomas Volkmar Worm <worm at> writes:

> Hi all!
> I am consindering to use Informix Dynamic Server (Informix Internet
> Foundation 2000/Linux) together with Zope and the other 3 P's.
> I wonder, whether somebody has any experience with Linux and
> - IDS 2000 and Perl
> or
> - IDS 2000 and PHP
> or
> -  IDS 2000 and Python
> or
> - IDS 2000 and Zope

We use Zope, Perl and Python with IDS2000 on Linux and
Solaris. Personally, I prefer Python over Perl. I use informixdb-1.3
with two or three small patches addressing some problems with stored procedures
and data manipulation statements as well as DATE problems. My Zope-Database-Adapter is also
based on informixdb-1.3.
Currently we are developing a SOAP-based client/server system with
INFORMIX as DB-backend and Windows-clients using COM for delivering
the SELECTed data into Excel. All in python, works like a charm.
I really recommend using python in database applications.
> and can tell me about the experience he made with one or more of these
> combinations. I am interested to hear about
> - availibility of the needed drivers
> - their (practical) compatibility to (eg. perl DBI, python DB-API 2.0,
> etc.)
> - stability
> - and what else someone has experienced
> I already was an,,, - I guess I
> know whats available. It looks to me as if the support for IDS is not so
> strong, so I am really interested in real experience somebody had rather
> that what you can read in the READMEs. If you stopped using IDS together
> with P..., please tell me why and what db (other than mySQL, thats
> allready running here) are you using instead.
> If some Informix/IBM people are around: Are there any contributions
> planned or in progress for the 3 P's by Informix/IBM? Where can I find
> online information about it?

Well, this information would be welcome here, too.
Rüdiger Sörensen || soerense at

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