ActiveX Controls in Python

Robin Dunn robin at
Wed Jun 27 01:27:02 EDT 2001

> I'm not very familiar with wxWindows, but I understand it's
> interface is very different from that of MFC, and that it can't do
> some things MFC can do, as it is a portable library, and can only
> supply the common subset of functionality that is available on various
> platforms. Is this correct?

Yes and no.  wxWindows may not have all the classes/controls/widgets that
MFC does, but it is not because of common subset issues.  (Although all the
commonly used things are there.)  MSW is the reference platform for
wxWindows, meaning that most things are implemented there first, and that
the MSW way of doing things is often reflected in the API.  Where certain
features are not available in other platforms then they are usually
implemented genericly for the other platforms using wxWindows.

Overall a MFC programmer will probably find wxWindows to feel very familiar,
but in general easier to use.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at       Java give you jitters?      Relax with wxPython!

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