Discussions and developing

Brad Bollenbach bbollenbach at homenospam.com
Sat Jun 30 11:26:28 EDT 2001

Though I haven't really followed the PEP discussions on c.l.p, realize that
the development of any large software project involves spending most of
one's time figuring out:

    a.) What the problem /is/ that you're trying to solve, making sure that
you're solving the right problem and not, in fact, missing a potentially
deeper issue.
    b.) An efficient, maintainable, solid and hopefully "correct" solution
to the problem.

If someone truly believes they have a strong argument either for, or against
a PEP, they are being equally as productive in voicing that to the core
developers as they would be hacking out their own programs.

OTOH, the unproductive posts are those that continually ask things like:

    1.) "Can Python be compiled?" (You mean, you didn't realize that an FAQ
would probably answer this?)
    2.) "What's the best GUI development environment for Python?" (The best
answer you could possibly get would be subjective and again, this is
obviously FAQ'ish)
    3.) "Python vs. XYZ -- What should I chooose?" (Remember...you're asking
that q to a /Python/ newsgroups, what do you THINK you should choose?)
    4.) "Why use whitespace?" (Why use $'s, @'s, and %'s? Why use {}'s? Why
use ;'s? Why not force functions to have prototypes? Why is the default pass
by reference/value? Why is assignment a statement? Why doesn't VB have
closures? Why use "."/"+" for string concatenation? Why didn't you read the
FAQ before you asked?)
    5.) etc.

The "average" Python hacker is supposedly smarter than the "average"
Perl/Tcl/VB/Delphi/Powerbuilder/<your language here> programmer. Yet I feel
every time one of those threads starts (as in, 2-3 times/day) we're spinning
our wheels. The more I read this newsgroup, the more I question the almost
overly newbie-friendly attitude it takes.

Worry about fixing those types of problems first, not about the PEP

"Roman Suzi" <rnd at onego.ru> wrote in message
news:mailman.993850065.18441.python-list at python.org...
> Hello,
> you, like myself, read (and write) to this mail-list/usenet group devoted
> to our beloved Python.
> We generate several megabytes per month.
> Python code (src) is 15-20 Mb.
> So, we could type one Python per 2 months. (Well, if we count quoting,
> probably in 6 months, but still impressive figure).
> Just why reacting to PEPs and accusations/opinions in newsgroup is more
> attractive than writing good piece of code for library, for some
> interesting Open Source project? (Am I alone or others also experience
> this temptation?)
> Lets imagine that 1/3 of the letters to c.l.p is converted to useful
> Python code. But no! It's far more interesting to react to yet another
> PEP!
> And this happens because reacting/disputing/flaming/... is a (small) fight
> between human beings and not between human being and dumb machine which
> need to be coded.
> May be, with time some kind of subject-against-subject programming
> technique will be invented, I dunno, and disputes will create not
> only tryth but quality code.
> I do not know how to convert my recent c.l.p. addiction into something
> useful for all. (if I only new how to be productive after full-time
> work...)
> So, I personally decided to shut up and not to participate in prolonged
> PEP discussions where no special protest must be expressed. This will
> be better for everyone, including myself.
> Lets silence for 1 day in memory of Jim Ellis, one of the Usenet
> creators, who died 28.6.2001.
> Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
> --
> _/ Russia _/ Karelia _/ Petrozavodsk _/ rnd at onego.ru _/
> _/ Friday, June 29, 2001 _/ Powered by Linux RedHat 6.2 _/
> _/ "I failed attitude in school." _/

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