Event-driven GUIs, PythonWorks, Boa, wxWindows; future directions of event-driven Python?

Chris Barker chrishbarker at home.net
Mon Jun 18 20:01:33 EDT 2001

Ron Stephens wrote:
> Is there an extensive tutorial or good documentation of wxPython on the web
> that one can learn from? The wxPython tutorial on the wxPython web site is
> quite short and is insufficient for a klutz like me.

This has been a common complaint, and I think the reason it hasn't been
better addressed is that once people get past the beginning of the
learning curve, they realise that they really don't need it. It doesn't
take too long to get rolling. I found that I really did need to "get" OO
programming in Python before I could do anything with wxPython.

There is a work in progress getting started guide here:


Also, be sure to take a good look at the demo, there is a lot of good
stuff in there, and a lot of us find we learn best by example anyway.

Good luck!


Christopher Barker,
ChrisHBarker at home.net                 ---           ---           ---
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